Food and Recipes » Beverage Guide » Beer Guide
Superbowl Over The Budweiser Commercials?
by Muna Wa Wanjiru. If there’s one thing that I look forward to during the Superbowl, I have to say that it’s those wackily funny Budweiser commercials they air. That’s right, it’s scandalous, I’m not a football fan and prefer to sit through the commercials...
Similar Editorial : Which Chicken Recipe Do You Prefer | Tags : New Budweiser Beer

Body Water, This Brew Of Existence Trivialized!
by Patou. .The human body in good health is composed of approximately 50-65 % of water. No other substance in the body, separately the oxygen, has comparable and such an important influence on such many functions different from the body. Water forms part of...
Similar Editorial : Different Ways to Brew Coffee | Tags : Bottles Water Dispenser

Various Names Of The Brew
by Clinton Maxwell. Physicists discovered a full zoo of atomic particles of exotic types during 1930s. Kaons and Muons and countless others were discovered. Enrico Fermi, the famous physicist commented that 'he had to be a botanist to remember all that'. It is ironic...
Similar Editorial : How To Brew A Coffee Machine | Tags : Grind And Brew Coffee Makers

The New Millennium is brewing!
by Robert Palmer. Superior rated coffees Coffee is to be no longer underrated. It’s no longer that set of tin cans lining the common supermarket shelf and will likely no longer be so disrespected. Coffee is now the pride of the same connoisseur who for so many...
Similar Editorial : Coffee Brewing Across Years | Tags : Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee

Before You Start With Home Brewing
by Drew Brown. Are you ready to get started with home brewing? Maybe you and your family went to a home brewing supply store and the brewing bug got a hold of you. Or maybe you tasted this great home made beer at a friends house, it could even be that the stories...
Similar Editorial : Basic Equipment to Start Brewing Beer | Tags : Home Brewing Beer Equipment

What Are The Right Home Brewing Supplies?
by Drew Brown. Millions of people all over the world enjoy the craft of brewing their own wine or beer. In the USA and some parts of Europe it has even become one of the most popular hobbies there are. This is probably caused by the fact that it is quite simple to...
Similar Editorial : Why Try Beer Brewing At Home | Tags : Beer Brewing Supplies

Make Your Home Brewing System Last
by Drew Brown. You probable didn t have to take out a second mortgage on your house just to buy your home brewing equipment. So replacing one of the items is not such a big deal. But if that is the way you take care of your equipment and you keep on replacing your...
Similar Editorial : Espresso Coffee Pods Make Brewing Easy | Tags : Beer Brewing System

Home Brew Shops
by Drew Brown. If you want to know about home brewing and home brewing history, the best place is probably not in a museum or library. The best place to go for information and to get a feel of home brewing in the old days is to go to one of your local home brew...
Similar Editorial : Specialty Coffee And Tea Shops | Tags : Home Beer Brewing Equipment

Learn Which Brew You Like the Best
by Johnbakers. Have you ever stopped to think about the history behind that little cup of coffee you drink everyday? Coffee in itself is an interesting topic in itself. At one time, the average household would brew a small amount of coffee, perhaps add in some...
Similar Editorial : How To Brew Great Coffee | Tags : How To Brew Coffee

All About Single Cup Brewing
by Wendy Moyer. It's early in the morning, and you only have a short amount of time before you need to leave for work. You desperately want to have a cup of your favorite coffee before you leave, but you don't feel like brewing a whole pot. You could only brew a...
Similar Editorial : Keurig Single Serve Coffee Maker | Tags : Single Cup Coffee Brewers

Homebrewers brew kettle
by Gregory Mclaw. Back in October of this year the news of an impending hop shortage claimed that prices will skyrocket for their favorite craft brew and that the price of hops in general would rise to all-time highs. If you are a micro/craft brewer perhaps the...
Similar Editorial : Just Brew Your Coffee | Tags : Micro Brew Beer

Home Brewers Yeast: Liquid or Dry?
by Gregory Mclaw. The homebrewer has two types of yeast to choose from; liquid yeasts or dry yeasts. For some this argument is similar to a "taste-great less filling" debate or "Ford versus Chevy" discussion. Good beer can be made from both dry and liquid yeast and...
Similar Editorial : Coffee | Tags : Beer Brewers

What is Homebrewing?
by Gregory Mclaw. Brewers enjoy working to make beer as much as drinking beer instead of working.-Harold RudolphHomebrewing refers to the making of beer or similar alcoholic beverages for personal consumption, free distribution at social gatherings, amateur brewing...
Similar Editorial : Homebrewing Beer | Tags : Beer Homebrewing Supplies

Starting a Brewery on a Budget
by Johnnymax. The world has again discovered what real beer is. Many people are tasting beer for the first time and let me emphasize the word TASTE! Germany is known for beer back to beer's roots, but America has pushed the limits with extreme beers.Around the...
Similar Editorial : 5 Steps before starting Coffee business | Tags : Beer Brewery

Build a Glycol Chiller for Your Brewery
by Johnnymax. If you are building a commercial scale brewery, or even a large home brewery, you may want to build your own glycol chiller to control the temperature of your fermenter. Many Craft Breweries are building their own brewery from old stainless dairy...
Similar Editorial : Guinness Brewery | Tags : Beer Micro Brewery

What Home Brewing Equipment Do You Need?
by Drew Brown . In many countries and cultures of the world home brewing was for centuries a very popular craft. Good clean water was (and is) a luxury in many countries and alcoholic beverages where as normal as drinking water is now in many western countries. Home...
Similar Editorial : Why Bother Home Brewing Beer | Tags : Beer Brewing Equipment

Ale, Welsh, How To Brew It...recipe Dated 1850-1900
by Perry Keenan. Step 1.Pour forty-two gallons (4.543457liters) of water, hot, but not quite boiling on eight bushels of malt, cover and let it stand three hours.Step 2.In the mean time infuse four pounds of hops in a little hot water, and put the water and hops into...
Similar Editorial : How to Brew Your First Beer | Tags : Punch Recipe Ginger Ale

Tips On Boosting Your Brewing Brainpower
by Stacey Moore. With interest continuing to brew in premium home espresso and coffee machines, this bevy of beverage-brewing tips will help to turn your morning brewing blahs into brewing ahhs. Before you begin making any type of coffee beverage, you may want to...
Similar Editorial : Special Tips to Brewing Perfect Coffee | Tags : Coffee Brewing Machines

The Right Machine For Your Morning Brew
by Johnathan Bakers -. There are many types of coffee makers today, from the simplest to very complicated ones. So, depending on whether you just want to pour a quick easy cup in the morning, or you want it to start on a timer and wake you up, or you want to make fancy...
Similar Editorial : How To Drink Coffee Every Morning | Tags : Brew Coffee Machine

Excellent House Brew Supplies For A Good
by Franchis. House brewing is a leisure pursuit that is still rising in fame, making your own beer, wine and other drinks like your own source beer is satisfying and recompensing to do. It is a leisure pursuit where you require small investment and funds to begin...
Similar Editorial : Coffee | Tags : Beer And Wine Making Supplies

Brew Pubs Today: The Revival Of A Proud American Tradition
by Keith Tomlinson -. Remember the one-on-every corner dimly lit brew pub or tavern, beer-soaked carpeting and Joe the Bartender, a long row of customers with their glasses of watery mass-produced beer, all staring at a flickering television? Versions of these drinking...
Similar Editorial : Get Yourself A Breadmaker Today | Tags : American Ale

Alaskan Brewing
by David Riewe -. The Alaskan brewing company is the oldest operating brewery in Alaska, with their amber beer being their most popular brand. They produce two other brands as well, pale ale and Alaskan frontier amber. If you enjoy fresh amber beer, Alaskan brewing is...
Similar Editorial : Brewing Coffee | Tags : Beer Brewing Process

Anheuser Busch And Microbrews
by David Riewe -. Beer brewing has always been the core business of the Anheuser-Busch company. An industry leader since 1957, Anheuser-Busch currently owns over half of the domestic beer market. The market share has grown so much that Anheuser- Busch now has a bigger...
Tags : Beer Microbrewery

Brewpub Heaven
by David Riewe -. Everyone knows that if your looking for the best in coffee, you go to Seattle. For wine, you go to California. When it comes to the best in beer, you go to Portland Oregon, where your never more than 15 minutes away from a quality brewpub.The...
Similar Editorial : Chocolate | Tags : Dogfish Head Beer

Home Brewing
by James Anderson -. Beer drinkers who find it inconvenient or expensive to make trips to the brewery, can now enjoy a cold one at home.Home brewing kits make it easy to have great tasting beer whenever you want it. The process is a little complex, but the money you'll...
Similar Editorial : Brewing Your Own Beer | Tags : Home Beer Brewing Kits

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