Beer Gifts For A Beer Loverby
I Henman -. At the risk of sounding stereotypical there is one thing that most men enjoy and can't get enough, beer. Now this isn't to suggest that the majority of males have a problem with alcohol, just that we all enjoy a nice cold brew once and a while. It...
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Tags : Beer Beer BeerAll About Beerby
Barbara Miller -. Prohibitionists and other conservatives have long viewed beer as the devil's brew. Beer itself isn't so bad; it's people that have given it a bad rap. When used in a controlled, social setting, beer is nothing more than a cold, refreshing break time...
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Tags : Pint Beer GlassBeers Of The World Featuring: The Much Loved "lambic"by
Matt Tremblay. In this series of articles I’m going to give you a crash course in the rich and varied beers that dot the globe. In case you haven’t noticed, microbrew beers are taking off big time. Beer used to be the "ugly cousin" of the alcohol world. Pretty...
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Tags : World BeersBrewing Beerby
Christopher Johnson -. Beer drinkers see a pint of beer as a magical golden brew. Many have said that it's surely the Nectar of the Gods. In reality, most beers are based on a basic four-ingredient recipe, and undergo a simple brewing process before bringing joy to the...
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Tags : Beer Brewing ProcessVarieties Of Beerby
Bob Kandl. There are many different types of beer for you to choose from and depending on your own personal tastes you may prefer one over the other. One of the most popular types of beers is the lager beer. The word lager comes from the German word "lagern"...
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Tags : Lager BeerOrganic Wine, Beer And Spiritsby
Davinos Greeno -. In the UK and USA, producers are increasingly making wines labeled organic or produced from organically grown grapes. The meaning and legal force of these terms can vary significantly from one country to another.A key point to add at this stage is...
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Tags : Beer Wine And SpiritsTypes Of Beerby
James Williams -. The word "beer" is often used as a generic noun used to describe a cold refreshing beverage. For example, "Hiya Mike, let's go for a beer." However, beer lovers around the world will heartily agree that there's nothing generic about beer.When it...
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Tags : Pilsner Beer GlassBeer Cultureby
David Riewe -. Social contextMany social traditions and activities are very associated with drinking beer, such as playing cards, darts, or other games. The consumption of beer in isolation and excess may be associated with people drinking away their troubles,...
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Tags : Beer Glass SteinBeer Ingredientsby
David Riewe -. The main ingredients found in beer are water, malted barley, hops, and yeast. There are other ingredients such as flavoring, sugar, and other ingredients that are commonly used. Starches are used as well, as they convert in the mashing process to...
Similar Editorial : Beer Gifts For A Beer Lover |
Tags : Grain Belt BeerBeermaking Basicsby
Nancy Jackson -. Consider all of the styles and brands of beer on the market today. Now, add in all of the different beers from international brewers. The selection available can be mind-boggling; but what's even more surprising is that all that beer is made from...
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Tags : Back To Basics Smoothie MakerLearn The Drink You Enjoy Most: All About Beerby
Gautamm Mehra. History Of Beer The exact time frame of beer is debatable. Experts place it between 10,000 years to 7,500 years ago. That makes beer the oldest drink known to mankind. The inventors or discovers of beer, are however, not disputed. Almost everyone...
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Tags : Draft Tower BeerBeer Trivia #1by
Terry Kaufman. Beer is loved universally. Go to any baseball game, family picnic, or casual party and what do you see immediately? Happy people, talking and playing, holding cold, frosty mugs of brew. The enjoyment of beer crosses all gender and age lines, from 20...
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Tags : Irish Beer MugsBeer Trivia #2by
Terry Kaufman. Beer is consumed all over the world by young and old. Countries, from ancient Babylon to modern Japan, are proud of their brews. Let us look at some additional beer trivia: Around 4,000 years ago, in Babylon, there was a traditional practice that for...
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Tags : Beer BreweriesHow To Brew Beer For The First Timeby
Dominick Famiano. The process of brewing beer can be as simple or as complex as one makes it. This article is intended to simplify the process and outline the most basic elements of homebrewing for the first-time brewer. It is recommended that you first purchase an...
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Tags : Brew BeerTips For Designing Your Own Beer Recipeby
Dominick Famiano. Perhaps the greatest thrill in homebrewing is that innate desire of the individual brewer to create a truly unique, signature beer. This process of recipe design comes easy to some, but it can present quite a challenge to others. Sometimes it’s...
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Tags : Wheat Beer RecipeBeer Brewing 101by
William Swan. If you enjoy drinking beer, but don’t enjoy the high prices of going to a bar or restaurant for a decent brew, you can brew your own beer in your kitchen. If you are tired of paying a lot of money for beer that you think tastes like cat piss, you...
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Tags : Beer BeerThe Pros And Cons Of Panamas 50 Cent Beersby
Clairesay. So surprised was my Costa Rican friend by the price of the beer when he arrived to Panama for the first time that he ended up inviting a pool hall of about seven men to 3 rounds of brewskies while waiting for me to arrive – at 11 in the morning...
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Tags : Irish BeersGerman Beer Factsby
Dirk Blurd. Beer is among the most popular and important part of the culture of Germany. Fact is, its popularity is well known all throughout the world. The beer in Germany is highly diverse. There are more than a thousand breweries all over Germany. The...
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Tags : German Beer BrandsWhy Bother Home Brewing Beer?by
Michael Saville. Brewing beer at home is a popular pastime for many people. Even in the UK where the public house culture is very strong, home brewing beer has a big following. Successive governments have increased the tax on buying beer in pubs and so many people...
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Tags : Home Beer Brewing KitsGerman Beers Make An Impact Worldwideby
Evelyn Whitaker. When you think of Germany there are a number of things that come to mind, but one of the first things is German beer. Although many people presume that a majority of German beer is lager, there are a number of different styles, tastes and stories...
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Tags : German BeersTypes Of German Beers And How To Order Them In Germanyby
Evelyn Whitaker. German beer - you have to admit, is one of the finest tasting beers you can drink. German breweries are pretty secretive about their "how tos". They all seem to say it's in the water. I'm sure there's some truth to that, but what really gives the...
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Tags : German Beer GlassesHome Brewing Beer With Co2by
Ann Marier -. Beer has been brewed at home, more or less for the past several thousand years. There is not much said about the practice before the nineteenth century. At some point though, men figured out that CO2 (carbon dioxide) was needed for brewing beer at...
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Tags : Home Beer BrewingHome Beer Brewing Kitsby
Ann Marier -. You will be right in thinking that there must be an alternative to drinking commercial beer that large factories containing huge copper containers manned by white-coated employees are churning out and for which you end up paying more than you wish to...
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Tags : Beer Brewing KitsHome Beer Making Kitby
Ann Marier -. It is a well known fact that Americans love their beer and desire nothing but the best from their beer. No doubt the large commercial beer manufacturers hold a considerable chunk of the beer making pie, but the number of home beer makers too has...
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Tags : Home Beer MakingHome Brew In Tulsa: Compete For Oklahomas Best Beerby
Ann Marier -. If you live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, you know how the beer industry does quite well there. With all those beer drinkers, everyone is looking for the latest, greatest beer. Sure, there are many beers to choose from that are sold in bars and gas stations...
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Tags : Home Brew Beer