Watermelon Martini (With Or Without Alcohol)

Are you looking for a refreshing and simple drink for your summer party or picnic? Here’s one you can easily make for everyone, with or without the alcoholic content.

Watermelon is in season and it makes a great refreshing, and colorful, drink. Before your party slice and "juice" the watermelon so that you have fresh juice on hand. If you do not have a juicer, then you may try crushing the fruit in a colander or fine sieve, or putting small chunks into the blender. Put the juice into a small pitcher or jar. I recommend putting this into the refrigerator, or even into the freezer, before the party. Make sure that it does not freeze hard, but a bit slushy will make the drink a bit better.

Watermelon Martini

Martini’s are always best if served almost freezing. Make sure all your ingredients are ice cold and that you do not skimp on the shaking. Well-shaken martinis will result in a frosty martini your guests will be talking about for weeks to come. I find that if I chill my martini shaker and fill the martini glass with some ice water as I prepare the drink it produces the perfect martini!

• 0.5 ounce fresh lemon juice
• 1 ounce Midori® melon liquer
• 1 ounce citrus vodka
• 1.5 ounces fresh watermelon juice

Place all the ingredients into a shaker and shake until very well chilled, about 30 seconds. Strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a thin sliver or triangle of fresh watermelon.

Watermelon Spritz

If you guests prefer drinks without alcohol, or if there are children present, then you can prepare the drink exactly as you did above, including shaking it and putting it in a martini glass, but substitute an ounce of sweet and sour mix, 7Up or Sprite in its place. I recommend that you mix and shake the drink first and then add any carbonated soda and shake just to mix, so that it does not "explode" or fizz over in the shaker or become flat.

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About The Author, Michele Webb
The author manages five websites and eCommerce businesses and is a member of a number of organizations for women Netpreneurs and business owners. She lives in Las Vegas, Nevada USA with her two dogs. You can contact Michele at mailto:michele@michelewebb.com or visit her websites at: http://www.michelewebb.com, http://www.ebooksnstuff.com, http://www.estudy4u.com, http://www.cancerregistrytraining.com, or http://www.registryads.com