Making Jello Shots Guide

How To Make Jello Shots!

This is the how-to of how to make jello shots. You'll be a pro in no time!

I will show you how to make jello shots like a professional with a few tips & tricks.

Making jello shots the traditional way, in shot glasses, can cause trouble for you later when you try to prize the shot from its glass container. If you want to know how to make jello shots like a bar man then use plastic cups with lids. Let the jello set upside down and it will slip out easily when it's ready! That's how to make jello shots that will look perfect and be easily accessible even if you transfer them into shot glasses.

Look at the list below and determine how much jello you will require. You will also need boiling and cold water and the alcohol of your choice. You need different quantities of water for different strength alcohols so if you want to know how to make jello shots with a stronger proof liquor scan further down this page.

After you have determined how much jello shots you require you should use the following as a quick guide: For every 3oz of jello you require 8oz of boiling water, 3oz of cold water and 5oz of alcohol.

Here a quick guide of how to make jello shots for 40 people:

6 ounce pack of Jell-O
16 ounces or 2 cups of boiling water
6 ounces or 3/4 cup of cold water
10 ounces or 1 & a quarter cup of chilled alcohol.

Pour your jello into a large mixing bowl and add your freshly boiled water. Mix until dissolved.

Then add the alcohol and the cold water. Stir together. Do not go over your quantities or the jello won't set. If you want to make stronger shots then add less cold water or review the "how to make jello shots" with stronger alcohol below! Now is the time to pour your shot mix into their containers.

This mixture will set anywhere once it has cooled but, if you want to know how to make jello shots set quicker, place them in a cooler.

A trick on how to make jello shots taste exceptional is to mix your jello flavourings with complimentary alcohol.

How To Make Jello Shots With Stronger Proof Alcohol:

For 30 - 50 proof use 3oz of cold water for every 3oz of alcohol.
For 80 to 100 proof use 6oz cold water for every 6oz of alcohol.
For 150 to 200 proof use 10oz of cold water for every 6 oz of alcohol.

Never freeze a jello shot! You should know how to make jello shots better than that by now! When people first learn how to make jello shots this is a disastrous mistake they often make! If you desire colder shots refrigerate them while they set or get some
Arctic Frozen Ice Shots from the first site listed below!

You now know how to make jello shots like a pro!

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About The Author, Michael A. Mcgrath
How To Make Jello Shots Resources:How To Make Jello Shots2 oz. Plastic Jello Shot Cups with Lids.