How Should Absinthe Be Drank?

Whether or not you have already had an opportunity to try absinthe for yourself, chances are you were not aware of all of the different ways that absinthe can be drank. To the surprise of many, there are actually three different ways that absinthe can be enjoyed: with water, with fire or straight up. Let's take a detailed look at each of the methods for imbibing the Green Fairy:

With Water: If you are already an absinthe expert, this is almost guaranteed to be the way that you drink your absinthe. Since the early beginnings of absinthe, this is the way that it has been enjoyed by many. Drinking absinthe with water is actually known as louching. To enjoy louched absinthe, all you need is chilled water, a perforated spoon and a cube of sugar (and of course, a bottle of the Green Fairy). Once you have all your supplies gathered, place the sugar cube on the perforated spoon and hold it over your glass of absinthe. Slowly pour the water over the sugar cube until it has dissolved and your absinthe is diluted to your level of enjoyment.

With Fire: Yes, you read correctly, absinthe can be drank with fire. Obviously, if you choose to try this method, be sure to take all necessary precautions. This variation involves pouring absinthe (instead of water) over the sugar cube and then setting the cube on fire. Although it is quite enjoyable to watch, this method is consistently snubbed by absinthe purists everywhere.

Straight Up: Although it is possible to drink absinthe straight up (or neat as many liquor enthusiasts prefer to call it), the taste is pretty overwhelming for most. There is nothing wrong with drinking absinthe by itself, but most people would agree that the first method makes for a more enjoyable experience.

Regardless of how you choose to drink your absinthe, the key is finding what you like most and enjoying the Green Fairy to the fullest!

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About The Author, Samuel Jaffries
Visit Absinthe Fever for a comprehensive guide to absinthe.