Enjoy Dark Rum Drinks

When you go to a bar and ask for your favorite drink there is a chance that you will find some type of rum in it. Now these many rum drinks are considered as being very delicious. You can easily enjoy the smooth relaxing flavor of rum while you are drinking your current mixed drink favorite.

While many people enjoy drinking rum both on its own and in other drinks there are many bartenders who have various recipes for these great drinks. The most interesting aspect about rum drinks is that you will find both light and dark rum drinks. These two rum drinks may have rum as the main base but they have two distinct flavors to them. To be able to savor the smooth taste of light rum you will need to buy these rum drinks from Trinidad, Barbados, Puerto Rico and other South Caribbean Islands.

The light rum drinks are made from sugar cane molasses that have been boiled down, distilled and fermented to a clear pale gold color. You will find that the alcohol strength of these drinks is that of 80 proof. Now to get the distinctive taste of light rum you will find that this rum drink has been aged for about 6 months to a year’s time in oak casks.

The dark rum drinks on the other hand while they undergo the same initial treatment as the light rum drinks have a richer and heavier flavor than light rums. It is also very aromatic and the color of dark rum drinks is found to be amber to a beautiful rich Mahogany color. The alcohol strength however is the same as the light rum drinks.

To be able to enjoy the fantastic flavor of dark rum drinks the rum needs to mature in oak casks for about 3 to 12 years. Sometimes these dark rum drinks will have caramel flavoring added to them. The best countries that produce dark rum drinks are Martinique, Jamaica and Haiti. There are many people who will use these great rum drinks to add flavor and punch to their drinks but there are also others who love to drink the rum all by itself.

This is the best way to savor the smooth flavor of rum – in the manner that is reminiscent of fine brandy. Now there is just one more item to add about rum drinks and that is the 150 proof rums are also great additions to all of your desserts and drinks that need to be flambéed. So the next time that you want a smooth tropical drink, just let the velvety taste of rum slide down your throat. This is one experience that will add some punch to your life.

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About The Author, Muna Wa Wanjiru
Muna wa Wanjiru is a web administrator and has been researching and reporting on internet marketing for years. For more information on Rum Drinks, visit his site at Rum Drinks