Absinthe Folklore and Facts

Absinthe has been around for centuries but it was only after the fall of the Iron Curtain that the world was introduced to absinthe from the Czech Republic which tends to be the source of the most potent types. No other type of liquor has drawn the attention of the curious to the degree that absinthe has and this is for a good reason.

The first question that people generaly ask regarding absinthe is does it really have psychoactive properties and if so, just how psychoactive are these properties. The answer to that is yes and and they are derived from a substance called thujone that is contained in the wormwood that is used during the manufacturing process.

It is important to remember that even weak marijuana is classified as having psychoactive properties. Drinking absinthe won't leave you howling at the moon or chasing butterflies up and down the streets of your neighborhood in your under shorts, so don't worry. In fact, the psychoactive effect that you can expect from drinking a few shots of some good quality absinthe is comparable to the effects of smoking marijuana.

Don't run off to smoke some marijuana and get drunk, so you can see what absinthe feels like though, because marijuana is used as a comparison due to its mild psychoactive effects only. The effects from drinking absinthe have unique qualities of their own that can only be acheived by drinking absinthe.

Will drinking absinthe turn you into a creative genius, as so much has been made of its use by famous artists and writers in the past. The answer to that is that multitudes of clinical studies have always lead to the same conclusion and that is that drinking any type of alcohol can only lead to a lessening of a persons intelligence until they sober up.

Absinthe does have a well deserved reputation for lubricating some great conversations, so it is highly recommended that it not be drank alone.

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About The Author, Charise Frasier
Written by Charise Frasier. Find the latest information on Absinthe For Sale as well as kubler absinthe