Absinth in Germany

Germany was one of the countries in which the consumption of absinth was relatively permitted for a long time: While such a ban was already at the end of the 19th century expressed in some countries lasted it was the reasons up to the year 1923 - here with us anyway which led to this ban, forcing so much in almost all countries that no more choice remained simply often, whether deaths piling themselves up and the much more frequent absinth blindness.
The absinth got legal only in the late eighties again and the use then got into the 90s, too of Thujon, a neurotoxin which is component of the wormwood which the permitted concentration of this mysterious substance tackles again though under strict legal editions, legalized.
Himself show responsible themselves, about this the spirits argue whether this neurotoxin actual for the unique high effect the absinth. On the one hand, a large part of the high effect is out beyond all doubt to the high alcoholic content duly, on the other side has an effect absinth "weight category" usually do not do out, as this "typical" alcoholic drinks of these to themselves in some aspects on man so.
Laboratory experiments with pure Thujon have shown, however, that Thujon develops its effect only in exceptionally high dosages, in which the legal regulations have orientated themselves at these values exactly to make sure that such a concentration cannot be reached at a heavy absinth consumption itself to exclude a potential health risk.
These regulations work also reliably even if the advertising no too big importance should correspondingly be attached to the absinth onlineshop regarding the large Thujon content, high-quality absinths have a very low Thujon content anyways.

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