Food and Recipes » Beverage Guide » Alcoholic Drinks
What Are Alcohol Shots Really Like?
by Muna Wa Wanjiru. For parties, having a selection of drinks ensures that the fun and laughter won’t disappear into awkward silence. There are many types of drinks that can be used to make people relax and have fun. These can include fruit juices, soft drinks, and...
Similar Editorial : Jello Shots with beer | Tags : Alcoholic Shots

Learning To Serve Alcoholic Drink
by Muna Wa Wanjiru. There are many people who love to have great tasting alcoholic drinks when they are at parties. For these people being able to inform the bartender or their host of their drink preferences is one of the best ways to enjoy their drink with gusto. For...
Similar Editorial : Unusual Coffee Drink Recipes | Tags : Alcoholic Drink Recipes

The Effects Of Thujone, A Chemical Found In Absinthe Alcohol
by Jeffrey Gilliam. When you look back into the history of absinthe, you will find many reports of violence, hallucinations, and just pure madness connected to the drinking of this strong liquor. It was often associated with artists, writers, and other bohemian types,...
Similar Editorial : Incomparable Tastes Found In Coffee | Tags : Absinthe Thujone

Alcoholic Drinking Games For School And Play
by Donald Trukenstein. Its All in Good FunFace it, the name of the game in alcoholic drinking games is to get the other person inebriated. Sure your going to catch a buzz too, but the object is to get the other guy blowing chunks not you. Also, if you are a fat ugly guy,...
Similar Editorial : 5 Back To School Lunch Ideas | Tags : Alcoholic Shot

Serving Alcohol At Parties
by James C. Have you decided to serve alcohol at your next party or gathering? It is a difficult decision to make these days. The party host can easily open him or herself up to liability by serving alcohol. This article will give you some options on serving...
Similar Editorial : Purchasing Wine for Parties | Tags : Alcohol Free Beer

When The Body Converts Alcohol Into Water
by Waheed Elqalatawy. Alcohol that is common to the public in beverages is Ethyl Alcohol of the chemical structure CH3-CH2-OH, where C is the chemical symbol of carbon, H is that of hydrogen, and -OH is a Hydroxyl group. It is this hydroxyl group that largely dictates the...
Similar Editorial : A Wine For Every Body | Tags : Alcohol Group

A Brief History Of Alcohol
by Gautamm Mehra. As with all histories, there is no one theory. And you may hear different versions from different people all the time. However, one thing for certain is that the fermentation process was discovered by man some 10,000 years ago. Earlier on berries,...
Similar Editorial : The basics about alcohol | Tags : Fermentation Of Alcohol

Health Benefits And Disadvantages Of Alcohol
by Ethan Armitage -. As confusing as it may seem, in small quantities, alcohol can be benefic for health. But excess can produce so much damage, that any trace of a benefit is erased. Moderate use of alcohol includes two drinks for a man and only one for a woman per day,...
Similar Editorial : The Health Benefits Of Coffee | Tags : Benefits Of Alcohol

Alcoholic Drinks Guide
by Muna Wa Wanjiru. As with so many things in our lives there are many different books that can help us with various parts of our lives. These books can be in the form of hobbies, self help books, do-it-yourself books and a variety of other books. In this mass of books...
Similar Editorial : Who Drinks The Most Beer | Tags : Bartending Drinks

The History Of Alcohol
by Mario Oreilly. Thoughout recorded history there has always been alcohol in of some variety,think of this, when you are sitting on a Friday night with your vodka and coke or Pernod and lemonade, does it ever cross your mind how exactly the drink came about. Below is...
Similar Editorial : What Else But Alcohol | Tags : Alcohol Abuse Effects

A Glass Of Empty Calories: Is Alcohol Making You Fat?
by Melanie Click. Basically, yes! Empty calories - meaning there is no nutritive value mixed with them - are fattening, so the more alcohol you drink, the more weight you'll gain. You can help yourself by going 106 calories, while the sweet dessert wine will pile it...
Similar Editorial : Counting Calories In Coffee While Dieting | Tags : Gin Calories

Whisky...a Drink Loved by All
by Mahesh. Whisky is loved all over the world because of its aromas and flavors. Whisky is a natural product and whisky making is a time-honored craft. For many people drinking whisky with friends is one of life's great pleasures.Whisky as a drink is about...
Similar Editorial : British Whisky Chicken | Tags : Drink Glass

Global Market Review on Whisky
by Bharat Book Bureau. This latest report on blended whisky has been packaged with our corresponding report on malt whisky to provide you with a comprehensive insight into both markets. Which means you buy one and get the other half price! Global market review of blended...
Similar Editorial : Alcohol The Global Problem | Tags : Scotch Whisky

Malt Whisky
by Mario Oreilly. Malt Whisky Malt Whisky It is perhaps strange that a small wet country on the far northwest fringe of Europe should produce a cult drink that has captured the world's imagination. For 'cult' is the only way to describe single malt Scotch these days....
Similar Editorial : Whisky | Tags : Single Malt Whisky

by Mario Oreilly. Trying to get a blender to explain what his or her job involves is never easy. Not because they are secretive, far from it. They're almost relieved to have a chance to tell their story.It's just that the intricacies of blending are complex that...
Similar Editorial : Malt Whisky | Tags : Chivas Regal Scotch

Taste of Scotch Whisky
by Josef Fona. Scotch whisky is the whisky made in Scotland. The drink, which is termed, as whisky in Britain is known as Scotch in the United States. Scotch whisky is divided into four distinct categories: single malt, blended malt, vatted malt and single grain. A...
Similar Editorial : Ardmore Scotch Whisky | Tags : Single Malt Scotch

Preparation of Single Malt Scotch Whisky
by Josef Fona. Single Malt Scotch is a type of single malt whisky, distilled by a single distillery, using malted barley as the only grain ingredient in Scotland. As with any Scotch whisky, a Single Malt Scotch must be distilled in Scotland and matured in oak casks...
Similar Editorial : Glens Scotch Whisky | Tags : Best Single Malt Scotch

The procedure of Scotch whisky production.
by Rogergordon. The production of Scotch whisky takes time, a lot of time. It is a tedious process that can take years. However when it is done correctly, the product is one worth waiting for. For approximately three days Barley is submerged in water in deep...
Similar Editorial : Balvenie Scotch Whisky | Tags : Malt Whisky

All You Need To Know About Whisky
by Pudrick. In meaning, whiskey translates to "water of life". Whiskey originated from Scotland during the early 1400's, and is very popular around the world today. Even today, whiskey tastes much like it did when it first began.Manufacturers of whiskey are...
Similar Editorial : Some Facts About Whiskey Or Whisky | Tags : Cider Jack

Some Facts About Whiskey Or Whisky
by Darcy O'neil. When discussing whisky the first thing that needs to be know is that there are two legitimate spellings. The Scotts and Canadians spell whisky without the "e", while the Irish and Americans spell it with an "e" as in whiskey. This should be the first...
Similar Editorial : Legendary Whiskey Cocktails | Tags : Bourbon Whiskey

Ardmore Scotch Whisky
by Mario Oreilly. There was a time you could spot a distillery by the smoke belching from its chimney. Now, most chimneys have been demolished as distilleries have switched from coal to steam. Hughes recalls as a child watching glen garioch's chimneys being demolished...
Similar Editorial : Chavis Scotch Whisky | Tags : Scotch Tasting

Dewars Bnj Whisky
by Mario Oreilly. Dewar's was the first blend to be advertised by electric sign and the first to produce a cinema advertisement - both products from the fertile mind of the irrepressible Tommy Dewar. By 1894 he had conquered the United States, established a global...
Similar Editorial : Glens Whisky | Tags : Malt Whiskies

Glens Scotch Whisky
by Mario Oreilly. Glen Garioch Despite being one of the most fertile parts of Scotland, Aberdeenshire has very few distilleries. In 1995 it looked likely to have one less when Morrison Bowmore (MBD) mothballed Glen Garioch, in the little town of Oldmeldrum. Much to...
Similar Editorial : Glenfiddich Scotch Whisky | Tags : Scotch 33

Balvenie Scotch Whisky
by Mario Oreilly. Balvenie Regional categorisation is a vexed issue in whisky: it may be a handy way of grouping distilleries together geographically, but it can be a tricky business identifying a stylistic continuity between all the whiskies in Perthshire or Speyside...
Similar Editorial : Grants Scotch Whisky | Tags : Scotch Whiskies

Chavis Scotch Whisky
by Mario Oreilly. Trying to get a blender to explain what his or her job involves is never easy. Not because they are secretive, far from it. They're almost relieved to have a chance to tell their story. It's just that the intricacies of blending are complex that...
Similar Editorial : Laphroaig Scotch Whisky | Tags : Scotch Brand

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