Everybody makes mistakes and entrepreneurs are no exception. But for an entrepreneur with a limited budget, committing mistakes too often can be very costly. It is an open secret in the business world that most of the mistakes that can be committed in business have been committed; so why not just learn from them, saving you the agony of committing them yourself.
With that said, here are 7 costly small business marketing mistakes every entrepreneur must avoid:
1.An Incongruent Marketing Message
To effectively sell your product or service, your customer has to “get" the marketing message. A customer-centric marketing message educates your prospects and persuades them to become customers. Too many small businesses make the mistake of focusing their message on the product or company, instead of how the prospect would benefit by purchasing their product. Prepare the right marketing message with some of these in mind:
•Identify the prospect’s problem.
•Explain to the prospect why the problem should be solved immediately and explain why your product or service is the right solution to their problems.
•List the benefits your prospects would enjoy upon purchasing your product and provide an unconditional guarantee to allay any fears they may have.
2.“Spray-and-Pray" Marketing Instead Of Precision Marketing
The days of marketing as a zero-sum game are over. You must demand accountability from your marketing efforts, expecting tangible results in the form of a healthy ROI (return on investment). Differentiate your marketing messages and target them to meet the specific needs and wants of your prospects and customers.
Many small businesses are guilty of the dreaded “spray-and-pray" marketing ideology, which inevitably drains their resources to the point where it very often leads to their demise.
Do not commit this same mistake, but instead practice precision marketing, where every aspect of your marketing and advertising efforts are measured and tracked for maximum returns.
3.Failing To Realize Marketing Is About Value Creation
To create a sustainable small business, you have to market something of value to the prospect and customer. Marketing is your business and creating value for your customers should permeate through all your marketing efforts. Strive to always over-deliver because customers love to receive more than they expect and the easiest way to do so is to develop a thorough understanding of their wants and desires.
4.Selling Instead Of Educating
You must have heard about the age-old principle that “people love to buy but hate being sold to." It is a principle that will continue to hold true for ages to come, but unfortunately, many small businesses still fail to adhere to it. The fastest way to get rid of a prospect is to try forcing a sale out of him or her.
Education-based marketing, however, is a powerful marketing strategy to overcome this problem of being sold to. This strategy makes use of giving away valuable information, educating your prospect about the benefits of owning your product or using your service, offered to them as free reports, video cassettes, CDs, or DVDs in exchange for their contact information.
It is a strategy that builds trust with the prospects resulting in a much higher closing ratio. So, forget about throwing a sales pitch and try educating your prospects instead for a higher conversion rate.
5.Failing To Test
The biggest mistake any entrepreneur can make with their business is the failure to test every possible variable most important to their customers. This applies to both online and offline marketing efforts.
I can understand if small businesses faced more difficulty with market testing because of limited budgets years ago, but the Internet has done away with this excuse. It has become so cheap to conduct price tests and sales copy tests and identify what campaigns, keywords, and metrics give you the best ROI online that not testing any of these has become a cardinal sin.
6.Not Following Up With Prospects Or Customers
Small businesses spend a great sum of money acquiring customers, which makes it all the more difficult to understand why many of them don’t follow up with their customers, or even their prospects after the “front end" sale.
It has been well documented that true riches are to be found in the backend sales and the reason for this is simple. If a customer or prospect raises his or her hand to do business with you, it means an element of trust has been established and a business relationship is ready to be formed. They are more then likely to buy from you repeatedly if you make it a point to capture their contact information and develop a follow-up system for communicating with them frequently.
7.Selling To The Wrong Target Market
Never assume that your product or service will appeal to a general audience because this assumption has profoundly resulted in many small businesses shutting up shop. Large businesses are guilty of this too, but you can save yourself from committing such a rash mistake by asking yourself these two questions:
•Who are your customers, or who is your target market?
•Who will use your service, or who will buy your product?
Answer these questions with absolutely clarity and segment these markets by demographics and psychographics to zero in on your ideal customer. The time spent doing this correctly will add nicely to your bottom line.
Just remember that to succeed, you must be prepared to fail, so don’t fear the eventual mistake but learn from it.
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So you have decided to take the plunge and venture into the world of entrepreneurship. You are enthusiastic, eager, uncertain and terrified all at the same time. Believe me, most people in your shoes feel the same way. The start-up phase of any business is often the most exhilarating, but for many, it is also the most trying. Fear of failure often stops would-be entrepreneurs before they even have a chance to bring their ideas to life. The following are some ideas that may help you to stay focused on your goals and will hopefully give you the extra confidence to pursue your venture.
1. Research the need for your product or service. If there are already 8 dry cleaning services in your town of 1,200 people, chances are your dry cleaning business will not succeed. If you are still determined to open your business when the demand isn't great, consider adding some creative or innovative products or services that the competition doesn't offer. Look into your local small business service centre for information on demand in your industry. Knowing that a service is in demand will give you the extra confidence that your business has potential.
2. Once you have decided that your business venture is viable, surround yourself with positive people. An encouraging word from a friend or family member can go a long way. Confidence and positivity go hand in hand. Conversely, negative thoughts bring self-doubt, and self-doubt almost certainly leads to failure. If someone in your life is negative concerning your business, try to discuss it with them as little as possible. This doesn't mean don't talk to them, just stay away from the subject of your business. Only talk about your business with positive people. This will help to leave you feeling excited at the end of your conversation instead of defeated.
3. Stay involved in the lives of your family and friends. A start-up business can be all encompassing. It takes over your thoughts sometimes night and day. Don't forget to put things into perspective. The most important things in life are your friends and family. Don't neglect them. You need to have a healthy balance between work and family and friends in order to be happy in your life. Remember that happiness is your ultimate goal. If you are not happy, then what is it all for?
4. Read as many books as you can find. Read books on your industry, opening a business in this industry and business in general. Many online bookstores allow you to read reviews of books before buying them. These reviews will most likely be from people like yourself, looking for the same kind of information as you are. They will let you know if the book is worth purchasing. Learning as much as you possibly can about your industry and opening a business, is a sure way to gain confidence.
5. Get involved. Join trade associations if they exist for your industry. The advice and insight you will receive from the individuals already working in your field can be even more valuable than the information you can read in a book.
6. Don't listen to the inner negative voice. Self doubt and fear of failure are what stops many would-be entrepreneurs from realizing their dreams. Whenever you realize that your inner dialogue is turning negative, change it immediately. You control your thoughts. Positive thinking is a powerful tool that will most certainly contribute to your success.
7. Love what you do. If you are planning on opening a home cleaning service, but can't stand cleaning your own home, you are in all likelihood doomed to failure. Choose something that excites you and that you feel passionate about. You need to feel motivated in order to continue to build your business years down the line.
Remember what your goal is and stay focused on that. Don't let fear of failure defeat you. Regrets are one thing you certainly don't want in life. Once you've researched your venture and know it has potential, keep the next steps in mind. Learn, stay positive and enjoy this exciting phase of your life. Good luck.
Both Robert Moment & Kelly Sims are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Robert Moment has sinced written about articles on various topics from For Women Entrepreneurs, Public Relations and Small Business. Robert Moment is an innovative small business coach and author of Invisible Profits: The Power of Exceptional Customer Service. Robert specializes in teaching small business owners “how to" actionable small business marketing ideas and strategies that gen. Robert Moment's top article generates over 5400 views. Bookmark Robert Moment to your Favourites.
Kelly Sims has sinced written about articles on various topics from Web Development, All Rights Reserved Copyright and Business Plan. Kelly Sims is a Virtual Assistant and President of Virtually There VA Services. She is dedicated to making the lives of small business owners easier by saving them time and money. For more information, visit her website at =>. Kelly Sims's top article generates over 27100 views. Bookmark Kelly Sims to your Favourites.
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