The infection of poultry with the avian influenza virus causes two different types of infections. One is a low pathogenic form, and the second one is a high pathogenic form. The low pathogenic form is mild, while the high pathogenic form is deadly. The low pathogenic form usually manifests symptoms such as decreased egg production and ruffled feathers. The high pathogenic form spreads rapidly, causing organ disease and mortality, usually within the first two days.
The recent outbreaks of the avian influenza have been of the high pathogenic form. This form initially began in Southeast Asia in 2003. This is the most severe and largest scale outbreak to date. Since this outbreak began, over one hundred and fifty million birds have been estimated to have been infected. All of these birds have subsequently died.
This virus is considered to be primarily indigenous to China, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Currently these countries are exterminating millions of infected animals. This is in an attempt to keep the virus from spreading to humans in the highly pathogenic form. If the virus does spread to humans in the highly pathogenic form, then the results would be disastrous. Literally millions of people could perish in these countries and around the world. Most of these countries where the virus is indigenous, have very poor healthcare and sanitary habits. One of the primary fears, is that these poor hygiene habits will contribute to many more human infections. The main means of becoming infected with the virus is by having direct contact with poultry, or any surfaces or objects which are contaminated with their feces. Most cases of humans who have contracted the disease, are from rural areas where many people keep flocks of poultry, which usually roam freely. Some of these flocks are even allowed to enter homes and areas where children and adults congregate. Since the birds have a potential to drop large amounts of feces in an around these areas where people live, the risk of exposure is phenomenal.
Roughly about one hundred humans have been infected from the most recent outbreak of the virus. Although there is still potential to contract the avian influenza virus, it is very rarely that individuals that don't have direct contact with infected birds become infected. It is still safe to eat poultry, even if the poultry is infected with the virus, as long as precautions are taken during food preparation. As long as the poultry is fully cooked, then the virus will most likely be killed during the heating process.
Although there is still a serious risk that a human epidemic could possibly occur from this virus, it is highly containable. Many countries are taking drastic steps to stem the tide of infection in both humans and animals.
Where The Bird Flu
Tamiflu speeds recovery from the flu. This drug can prevent flu if treatment is started within two days after exposure to a flu victim. When started during first two days of illness it hastens improvement by at least 24 hours. Oseltamivir is an antiviral medication. It blocks the action of viruses in your body. Viruses are intermediate link between living and non living things. They stay dormant until the time they are outside the body but as soon as they enter a living being they start multiplying. Same happens with tamiflu , as the flu virus takes hold in the body, it forms new copies of itself and spread from cell to cell. Neuraminidase inhibitors fight the virus by preventing the release of new copies from infected cells.
The medication as well as dosage is really easy. Tamiflu can be taken in capsule or liquid form. Each capsule should be taken with a glass full of water. In case of liquid dosage shake the suspension well and then measure the dose with a dose measuring devise. Tamiflu can be taken with or without food, is usually taken twice a day for the first 5 days. The suspension should be well refrigerated; the capsules should be kept at room temperature away from heat or moisture.
A double dose should never be taken, the missed dose should be taken as soon as you remember. In case you have nausea and vomitish feeling there are chances that you have overdosed hence, the doctor should be consulted immediately.
Hence now save yourself from the flu by cheap and online Tamiflu.
Both Bryan Pringle, Ph.d. & Jenifer D'souza are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.