There have been no signs of the Bird Flu in the United States as yet, and the virus is not easily transmitted from birds to humans. However, once confined to Asia, the Bird Flu has now been identified in other countries. Those that have been diagnosed with the Bird Flu have been in close contact with the infected poultry.
A trial vaccine is being developed for the Bird Flu, however since the virus is constantly changing there will have to be a vaccine created to the specific strain that is spreading.
Bird flu in poultry does not pose any food safety risk because it is unlikely a sick chicken would be slaughtered for consumption, and thoroughly cooking meat and eggs would kill the virus. Dr Judith Hilton, the head of microbiological safety at Britain's Food Standards Agency, said salmonella poses more of a risk to consumers than bird flu. She added that people generally get flu through the respiratory system, not from what they eat. Dr. Hilton advises thorough cooking of poultry meat and eggs. If you cook your poultry and your eggs thoroughly, you would get rid of any viruses present.
The symptoms of the Bird flu are common flu like symptoms:
Sore throat
Respiratory disease
Precautions that should be taken are avoiding contact with live poultry. Do not keep live poultry at your residence. If you do come in contact with live poultry wash your hands very thoroughly. If you suspect you have come in contact with poultry and have flu like symptoms see your doctor immediately.
What Is Avian Flu
When I started to write about health in my monthly newsletter back in 2000 my goal was to teach everybody what I just learned myself. You can't find trustworthy health information in the media or not even with your doctor. I'm talking about health information and not about sickness and medication. I'm talking about how to stay well or even getting well again without medication. If I see how many people are getting sick, there is a great gap in the information source about: How to stay well!
After years and years of reading books, Internet sites and visiting lectures its clear to me that Western health systems are more a money making machine then a healthcare system. It never crossed my mind to write about politics in my now weekly newsletter (Dutch language). But, the news that I believe is a serious threat to so many peoples health that, it has to be told.
To make thing simple one and one is, ?. two. It will always be, so this is what you need to know. If only 243 people, world wide, died from the Bird Flu, then why are Governments spending Billions of dollars and Euros on vaccine programs. Vaccines that can only be produced ? after ? existing cases of human-to-human H5N1 are found. This tells me that somebody is playing a game, a game of terror!
You need to know about it and, don't be afraid, ever! Protection is simple and effective. First, start using whole non-GMO foods and skip all processed foods. Second, get rid of all pesticides in your body with a detoxification. Third, start using extra ? natural - vitamins and the number one on your list got to be ascorbic acid (vitamin C). You can take as much as 5 grams a day! Remember you've got your immune system and NO medicine or vaccine can come close to its own capabilities! As long as you supply your immune system with enough fuel, vitamins and minerals.
I dearly hope I'm wrong but something bad might be just around the corner. After I received the first messages in my eMailbox about it, I forwarded the news to; ?Your Wake Up Call?, a nationwide rock program in the Netherlands. The next day Arrow Classic Rock's DJ Adam Curry brought the news in his morning show. Again I hope I'm wrong but you better know how to tackle this problem. Don't worry but take care of your immune system.
Both Libby Sustachek & Henk Mutsaers are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Libby Sustachek has sinced written about articles on various topics from Bird Flu, Health. The Author Libby Sustacheck has over twenty years of experience in the healthcare field working with such industry giants as Kaiser Permanente and Aetna. She has assisted many organizations with their wellness programs You can read more from Libby at. Libby Sustachek's top article generates over 1000 views. Bookmark Libby Sustachek to your Favourites.
Henk Mutsaers has sinced written about articles on various topics from Aging, Latest Election News and Food Pyramid. Helping people to preserve and maintain an optimum health status, that's my goal.. Henk Mutsaers's top article generates over 110000 views. Bookmark Henk Mutsaers to your Favourites.
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