Usually they just fade away after a fairly brief period and then they are gone, with no real damage done.
Chronic headaches, however, ones that recur with regularity can really interfere with our healthy functioning, affecting our relationships and work life and seriously compromising us in so many areas of our existence.
It's important to remember that if a severe headache lasts for 24 hours or more, or if it is accompanied by vomiting or blurred vision, then you need to visit your doctor immediately.
Broadly speaking, there are 2 different types of headache - tension and cluster. (Migraine is something different and will be dealt with in a separate article.) Medically speaking, the cause of both these kind of headaches is unknown.
Often though, tension headaches are as the name suggests. They seem to be triggered by stress and tension, anxiety, depression and emotional discomfort.
Poor posture can also play a part in the onset of this kind of headache, as can really bright light, food sensitivities, menstrual periods and even the weather.
Painkillers such as aspirin, paracetamol and ibuprofen can often help with the milder kind of headache, but the body can easily become habituated to these pharmaceuticals, greatly reducing their effectiveness.
Also, withdrawal headaches can occur when these substances are withdrawn.
This kind of cluster headache can also seem to be triggered by such things as changes in temperature, odors and alcohol. Of course, they can just as simply appear with no clear and apparent reason at all.
This kind of headache simply does not respond to over the counter medication. Drugs available on a doctor's prescription include Sumatriptan and Ergotamine, but these powerful pharmaceuticals, like most others, can have considerable side-effects.
How much better it would be if we were able to access our own inner ability to manage headaches, rather than having to depend on some external chemical substance for relief.
And this is where modern advanced hypnosis and hypnotherapy can be of real and lasting value.
With the correct form of expertly delivered hypnotherapy your own subconscious mind can learn to manage headaches without recourse to or dependence upon external drugs. Through advanced transformational hypnotherapy you can learn how to turn any headache into an insubstantial mist that can simply be exhaled and dissipated, leaving you free to continue your day with a clear mind.
In hypnosis you can be taught to recognise the cues and triggers of a headache before it actually occurs and then do something about it. You can learn to reverse the processs that generates the headache, and in so doing regain real control.
No headache really needs to be allowed to ruin your day or affect your enjoyment of it.
With advanced transformational hypnotherapy you can put an end to the pain and inconvenience of headaches and move on with your life.
Peter James Field has sinced written about articles on various topics from Hypnotherapy, Cure Anxiety and self improvement and motivation. Peter Field is a leading British hypno-psychotherapist with busy practices in London and Birmingham, England. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Health and Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. More of his absorbing. Peter James Field's top article generates over 33100 views. Bookmark Peter James Field to your Favourites.
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