Simplify life by offering a solution that's both quick and easy to apply. With time being the most precious current resource, anytime you can offer a time saving bonus feature in your headline, you should do so. Your prospects and customers work long and hard. They're pulled this way and that way. By the end of the day, they're exhausted ? physically and mentally.
Now imagine your prospect scouring the Internet for information on a particular topic. Various solutions are available but most require an investment of time and energy, something that's in short supply. Suddenly, your headline leaps off the screen, offering a near-instant solution that's virtually effort free. Your headline is too tempting to ignore. So your prospect is captivated from the start? giving you a much better chance of making the sale.
Now if you can guarantee a particular result, that's even better. But if you're going to mention your guarantee in the headline, it should be a powerful, ?no holds barred? type of guarantee -- a guarantee with teeth.
In short?
The most important thing a headline delivers is a relevant benefit -- preferably a benefit no one else can match. Add fast action, convenience and a guarantee.
Big New Benefit + Quick & Easy Solution + Guaranteed Results = Powerful and Appealing Headline
Here are a few examples of strong headlines with a combination of appeals:
?How To Create Your Own Hot, Best-Selling Information Product On Your Favorite Subject In Less Than 3 Hours ? Guaranteed 100%!?
?Want To Write Copy That Can Make You Rich? Here's My GUARANTEED, Market-Tested, A-Z Formula For Writing Words That SELL -- Plus $979 Worth Of FREE BONUSES -- If You're One Of The First 47 People To Respond To This One-Time-Only Offer!?
?Sell More Suits At Full Price TODAY Than You've Ever Sold In A Single Day Before! Remarkable Quick New ABC Technique Fills Your Store With Customers Eager To Buy More Suits, Shirts, Dress Pants, and Ties Than Ever? And At Full Price ? Guaranteed!?