Here's a List of 10 Things You Need to Be Successful...
1. You need a helpful attitude
2. You need a burning ambition.
3. You need to be bold and brave.
4. You need to be highly motivated.
5. If you had to drive from New York to Miami, you would want a road map to help. If you were starting your own business you'd want a step-by-step business plan.
6. You need to take carefully calculated risks.
7. You have to have your mind set on specific goals and time limits for completion.
8. You need to develop a positively expectant attitude.
9. You need to be willing to do whatever needs to be done.
10.You need to decide what you will give to get what you want.
But, you may ask, "What about Luck? Surely Luck is a factor"
Yes, it is. However, I have discovered that just like Success, Luck is largely dependent on Attitude!
When you visualize failure, in effect, you are predicting failure, which you then inadvertently and inevitably help to bring about.
But, the self-fulfilling prophesy works both ways. When you expect to succeed and act as if you already are, you will be.
In effect, by deliberately and consistently going after what you want, you automatically attract Good Luck.
John launched his first business at age 25 on $1,000, and sold it after 2 years. He did that 6 more times in 14 years and retired rich at age 39.
John thinks the reason 95% of the world's workers depend on the top 5% for a living wage is because...
1. The workers grossly undervalue themselves and are afraid of losing what they have.
2. They don't have a proven step-by-step plan to copy.
3. They don't know that a home-based business can be started on as little as $100 and with zero business experience.
"After you have been in business for a while, you automatically know a lot of successful business owners. I interviewed over 500 business owners in a different trades and professions. I just had two questions to ask:
1. "What is the single most important secret of your success?"
2. "What is, in your opinion, the best business to be in, and why?"
"They revealed, not one, but several million dollar success formulas. Nothing was held back. They couldn't have been more helpful.
"Consequently, I was able to make a list of 21 business strategies that have never been known to fail. Before starting my own business I read a few books like, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill and Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People." They helped, but, they were largely motivational. What I needed was a proven,step-by-step success plan I could copy. If I had known the "first you do this and the you do that" 21 basic steps, I honestly believe i would have been able to retire rich even sooner."