This is where programs like the Dreambody System by Graham Foster and other similar programs come to the fore, as they take the woman who is trying to lose more weight to the next level. Other popular programs which cater for this longer term more sustained weightloss are the Weight Watchers program and Jenny Craig.
I often refer to this sort of advanced program as the second stage or second phase of weight loss which goes in a totally different direction to the 10 day weight loss programs which we find advertised everywhere. This type of program helps you create a plan that helps you makes permananent changes to your life syle which results in longer term weight loss. As this is designed to last much longer, the amount of weight loss will be about 2 pounds a week or so.
If these weight loss programs offer such a long term solution to our weight loss problems why is it that we are still drawn to those 10 day diets. There are even diets that say they can help us lose 10 pounds or more in a week. The rationalle behind our enthusiasm for these instant solutions is we all want to take the easy route with minimal effort and maximum results.
Look at it this way if we decide to try and lose weight the last thing we want reminding of is that we will be starving ourselves for days so the thought of long term diets is even less appealing.With some women all they really need is a quick fix which they can get from this type of 10 day diet.If all they looking for is a small weight loss to be able to look a million dollars at the prom reunion or on vacation. I believe this is the biggest reason these instant fix books are so popular amongst women trying to lose weight across the world.
The good thing is when it comes to 10 day dieting programs they actually on the whole will deliver results always of course assuming you adhere to them you should get rid of about five pounds a week .
Now not everything is black and white but these quick fix solutions are fine for a short period but in my experience few people are prepared to eat this sort of diet for long and their are even some diets which although popular are actually bad for you health over a long period.
If you only want to lose a few pounds a simple diet could be the answer or you might even feel that you want to go through a more comprehensive detox. ( i must say that I am a little adverse to detoxing unless well supervised as people can over do things and become quite ill if not careful)
I'm sorry to say that if you have a life-threatening obesity problem or you need a program that will work long term to shift quite a bit of weight and need assistance in making significant ifestyle changes (which is crucial to longer term prolonged weight loss) the ten day diet and even the two week diet isn't going to do it for you.