IP or Internet Protocol is perhaps the scariest two letter combination for web users throughout the world. This is an identity for your computer in the online world. Each computer has an IP address by means of which it can be identified who is browsing what site at each point of time. However, there are many reasons why people would prefer their IP addresses not to be revealed. In this article, we shall see what the top reasons for hiding IP addresses are:
(i)Internet Privacy
An IP address is an identification for your computer. The address consists of four numbers separated by dots. The first number is the domain IP, the second is the subnetwork IP, the third is the network IP and the fourth is the host computer IP. By knowing these four numbers, the user computer can be easily tracked. When you connect to the Internet, your IP address is relayed, from which your computer can be tracked. This means, your entire browsing habits are begin to the world at big. But by using proxy software, you are masking your real IP, and relaying a fake one. This means your browsing habits are remaining hidden from population view.
(ii)Internet Security
Spyware is an important concern for the online public. It comes bundled with other downloadable programs. When you download those programs, spyware also gets installed on your computer and then begins monitoring your browsing habits. But if you have an IP hiding software, you are protected from monitoring through spyware.
(iii)Internet Efficiency
Installing software to hide you IP can certainly make your Internet experience much more enriched. There are tools included with the software that can block popups. Popups are windows that start along without being asked for. These can slow down the computers. Most popups are ads that would direct you to other websites if you were to click on them. Popup and ad blockers prevent these nuisances that come in the way of doing some important and urgent work on the Internet.
(iv)Internet Business
Today, promotion methods like email marketing have become very normal among web owners. This entails sending emails to many people with URLs of the business website. Even this method is very important, it can be counted as spamming. For this reason, it becomes vital to hide the IP address from where the mails have been sent. With IP hiding software, you can exhaust just that.
(v)Reviving Internet Activities
If you are banned on some websites, blogs, forums, etc., then using IP masking software, you can again resume those activities. The Internet identifies your computer through your IP address. But if you are able to hide your IP and log in with various, you can re login and continue your work.
For most web users, IP address hiding software have become indispensable. They provide them with privacy and security, thus enhancing their Internet activities by a hundredfold.