Fortunately there are some tremendous opportunities and many excellent teachers. Just remember they are not all out to scam you, stay focused, believe big, work and you will get there.
My personal education has taught 90% of people are looking for information, not necessarily a desire to buy but a desire to learn. People want to convert that knowledge into money and lots of it and usually quickly.
Lets look at what I consider to be the real deal.
Business building offline and online is completely different, especially so when encouraging people to achieve their goals.
The Narrow Path.
People love multiple streams of income, especially if it requires little or no effort! The guns will work their backsides off to move forward but many are very happy to let you (me) and the Company build for them. The right one.
Lets chat about The Berry Tree. They spruce a Triple your Money back Guarantee. Big talk, any action? There appears so. The program was designed to make the hungry ones enormously successful, the passive ones very successful. A choice of health products each month, a company and up line build for them, sounds like easy street? For the passive it is. The motivated up line needs to raise the bar and keep passive, non introducing types active i.e. in the program. Simply improve their business provides a win for everybody. And its not hard, not at all.
Since June 1st 2008 Berry Tree had a complete make over. Whilst backed by an 8 year old debt free company Nutronix, Berry Tree had just passed its initial 12 months in business. Having joined back in June of 2007 I saw plenty of potential but noted some deficiencies, all of which appear to be have been addressed this month. The next 12 months will be interesting.
The following 12 month motivation of member maintenance (MMM) will not be too difficult if one serves others with a joyful heart, offer truths and a way forward but mindful of passive natures. Creating a win for all, begins with you and me. Seriously there is no greater motivation than rejoicing in the success of others. Granted, it may sound noble, but its proven and it works.
Over the last 12months I received 6 FREE Credits from Berry Tree, accumulate 10 and you have reached their first bonus commission level Bronze. Currently Bronze is worth approximately $150 a month. The process can be fast tracked by introducing people, for those who have no interest in sharing, the credits keep there appears to many ways to reach Bronze and beyond. Reach higher levels and you are looking at 10K a month +, IF you apply yourself and follow a narrow path. There are no limits to your monthly income, only yourself.
8000 members in 12 months may see modest. The company rather optimistically believe they can reach 200,000 by June 2009. I am a positive soul, but feel 50,000 is a more realistic expectation. The new compensation plan certainly will and is creating plenty of interest, and as numbers increase the payouts grow. The lower or entry level Bonus Pool -- Bronze currently pay $5 per active member, to be shared equally amongst Bronze members.
A myriad of income streams are available to all members, the recently introduced 2x2 matrix appears to be a winner, certainly with me as it genuinely fosters a serve like attitude. Assist others, go the extra yard resulting in a win for all.