There are various ways of promoting your internet business, and some are more costly than others. If you have limited resources to spend on your advertising, then you will need to know about the most effective and yet not very costly methods of drawing traffic to your website.
1.Have an appropriate Domain name for your internet business Although this seems very obvious, it is often underestimated in its importance. It is ideal for your domain name to have some of your internet business? key words to make sure that you can be found when someone does a search for your keywords online.
2.Word of mouth in your circle of influence
Everyone has a circle of influence; being people that you interact with in your life. These people are your potential customers; and you must tell them about your internet business. This does not cost you anything. You just have to list all the people you make contact with in your daily routines and identify the best way of telling them about your internet business. Call them, email them, write them or give them your business card.
3.Email Marketing, If you have another internet business already, it is recommended that you email your existing customers or if you have a newsletter, your subscribers list; and tell them about your new online business. You can also email all your colleagues in your email address book. The more people you tell about your internet business, the more visitors you will get to your website.
4.Your Email Signature, Your email will need to look professional, and you must have in your signature the details about your internet business website: the URL, the business name, email address and other contact details. You can also set up different websites for various purposes. Having your website address in your signature in every email you send out is a cost effective way to promote your internet business.
5.Submit your website to search engines and directories. This is another cost effective way of driving traffic to your internet business. It is free if you can manually submit your website to search engines and directories. There are various companies that can submit your website for you at a cost. For your website to be picked up by search engines, you must have on your website high quality unique content and your content must be keyword-rich.
6.Write and distribute articles, Writing and distributing articles is one of the very effective ways of driving traffic to your website. There are several objectives that are to be accomplished with writing articles; namely to be picked up by ezine publishers, other websites, and also by offline publishers. By writing high quality articles on a regular basis, you come to be viewed as an authority or expert, which will further make your articles popular. In your articles, you put a resource box to build back-links, or to sell. By submitting articles, you have search engines pick up your website and eventually, send you some free traffic.
7.Link Exchanges, It is important to create some links with websites that are similar to yours so that you can get visitors coming to your site via the link on your partners? websites. For your internet business to be successful, you need a lot of traffic. Creating links with partners can be time consuming. If you can afford it, you can use a software called The Link Machine which automates the process for you. Although two way links are important, one way links are even more effective ? and you can create these by other methods such as article submission, forum participation, directory submission etc.
8.Forum Participation, There are a lot of forums or groups for almost any interest or niche or business. Participating at these forums, with your email signature that has your website, can help you generate some targeted traffic for your site. You can get more visitors through this, which will support the growth of your internet business.
9.Offer Freebies, Giving away free gifts, tools or resources to your prospects is a very powerful way of growing your internet business. Because a visitor to your site benefits by getting some of your freebies, they will be encouraged to come back to your website again in the future, giving you some repeat business.
10.Publish an ezine or newsletter, Ezines are a targeted form of advertising, and they can be easy to prepare. Having an ezine helps you create a long term relationship with your potential customers. Over the long term, your subscribers will trust you and will do business with you.
If you consistently use these strategies to promote your internet business, you will see traffic to your website increasing.