While it is a good idea to offer your own products, there are many other ways you can increase your profits using simple and effective tools. Here are my top ten suggestions for multiplying your online profits:
1. Always upsell customers. Do not rest when a customer buys a product from you. Instead offer them related products that will complement their order. These products can be your own or products you sell as an affiliate. You can offer them at a discount or promote them in a way that encourages your customers to buy more from you.
2. Offer your customers an incentive for referring others to you. This will multiply your sales as your customers refer you to others. One sale automatically becomes two, three or more.
3. Promote your affiliate program to paying customers. Offer people buying your products and services an opportunity to sell your products and earn a commission. This also turns one sale into several sales.
4. Follow up with all customers that order from you. Offer a personal thank you and then entice them to buy other products or join your affiliate program. You can do this over several weeks. Customers that join your affiliate program will make money for you.
5. Cross promote your products by offering your customer's packaged deals. They will feel they are getting more for their money.
6. Offer your customers something for nothing. Everyone wants a freebie. It doesn't have to be something big. It could be a free newsletter. It might be someone else's newsletter or a free mini-course.
7. Entice your customers with information marketing products. Audio and CD's do well. Offer them an MP3 video of your latest e-book.
8. Ask your customers for feedback. Offer them something in return. This could be as simple as giving away a free e-book if your customer fills out a short five-question survey. Then follow up with your customers with an email letting them know the results of the survey and promoting new products or services that reflect their feedback, wants, interests and needs.
9. Offer back-end products to your customers to encourage continuing sales.
10. Brand your products. Create a logo and brand name people are likely to remember. They will come to associate all your material with this brand or logo. Whenever they see the slogan or logo, they will think of you and naturally come back to you for more products or services.