What are all the new toys coming out you may ask? Well I want to share a couple of them with you for the season. You may have already heard of Webkinz and the new releases they are coming out with and you may know about the TMX Friends coming this fall but, do you know what Shining Stars By Russ are or transformers action figures for this summers latest block buster movie?
Well the people over at Ganz sure have it down and must have learned from past companies. Producing not nearly enough Webkinz to go around the world in their first couple installments created such a buzz and demand around the internet and retail stores that the world was buying and is buying Webkinz online at whatever premium price they can find. Some of the first Webkinz produced like Cheeky Cat and Cheeky Dog are going for hundreds of dollars each and are a rare and hard to find plush. Meanwhile the hype has continued with the release of the next wave a Webkinz Plush such as the the Beagle, Clydesdale, Spotted Frog and in the fall Halloween black cat, Siberian Husky and in the winter the Reindeer. Shortly in February of 2008 the Love Frog will release will will again stimulate the Webkinz market. Ganz has a pretty good plan to keep the hype built and strong.
Russ Shining Stars are not big right now but they could be. Shining Stars are plush pets much like Webkinz. Like Webkinz they have games online for kids and adults to play and they come with a online code just like Webkinz. However one unique difference between Webkinz and Russ Shining Stars is that with Shining Stars has Team with the International Star Registry and give children the ability to register and name an actual star in the solar system. After the naming of their very own unique star they can then print out a star map that shows the exact location of their star in the galaxy with the Stars brand new name. Webkinz is in full control right now but soon some competition could arise from Russ Shining Stars.
Transformers action figures are out now and will soon be growing in popularity by riding the waves of the new animated movie in the summer of 2007. The movie is sure to be a huge success and will cause an enormous Transformers action figure Resurrection. The main character Optimus Prime action figures are already starting to rise in popularity and boys everywhere will soon be sporting the Transformers toys again.
With all the great toys coming out this year kids will not be bored. Somewhere between Webkinz, Transformers, GI Joe 25th anniversary, Russ Shining Stars, TMX Friends (Ernie and Cookie Monster), they may have time for your attention. The year is will not be boring for kids or toy makers and could prove to be quite expensive for parents everywhere. Most people are willing to open up their wallets for the newest hottest attractions are you?
Barnacle Historic State Park I hope you take the time to visit the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Historic State Park. It is an experience that you will remember