If you've used the Internet at all this year, you've probably heard of podcasting. It's the one word that's almost guaranteed to come up in discussions of small business marketing, and with good reason too. Podcasting has become more and more popular over the past 12 months and is set to become the most powerful marketing tool of the future. But what exactly is it?
What are Marketing Podcasts?
In simple terms, podcasts are like radio transmissions which are broadcast over the Internet. Listeners subscribe to an RSS or Atom feed and can listen via their computer or hand-held devices such as iPods. They're a little like a blog and a little like radio - and they're starting to take off in a big way. In marketing terms, podcasting presents a new and very powerful method of communicating directly with your clients, both current and prospective.
What are Marketing Podcasts About?
The simple answer to this question is that a marketing podcast can be about anything and everything you think will be of interest to your listeners. You may want to talk about a new innovation you're using in your business, interview some of your industry leaders or discuss some of the big issues in your area of the business world. The choices are endless and it's up to you to use your imagination to come up with something people will be interested in hearing.
Why use Marketing Podcasts?
There are many different ways in which marketing podcasts can help benefit your business . Here are just a few of them.
1. Marketing podcasts help build tangibility
By creating a podcast you let your listeners/customers see the real you - the people behind the business. This helps give your business some kind of tangibility and personality. Rather than just being a faceless corporation your business becomes something your customers/listeners can relate to and understand.
2. Marketing Podcasts Increase Your Credibility
By offering a podcast on a particular subject, you're establishing yourself as an expert in that subject. People like to buy from experts - podcasting helps build trust and, by extension, grows sales.
3. Marketing Podcasts Add Value to Your Business
By offering a podcast, you're giving visitors to your website something free - and something which they'll hopefully enjoy enough to want to hear more of. This means that they'll become repeat visitors and may even turn into customers.
4. Podcasts Build Loyalty
Marketing podcasts work in much the same way that email newsletters build loyalty towards your business by providing free information to subscribers. As you start to build up a listener base for your podcasts you'll be creating your own form of word-of-mouth advertising as your listeners tell other people about your podcasts and your business.
5. Getting Started in Marketing Podcasting
Creating a podcast is surprising simple. In terms of hardware all you need is a computer, mic and broadband connection. Simple, free pieces of software such as audacity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/) allow you to record it, then it's a matter of saving the file as .MP3 and uploading it to your server.
Once uploaded, your podcast is ready to be distributed, and this can be done through aggregators such as iPodder (www.ipodder.org ) and FeedDemon (www.feeddemon.com ) or via web-based directories such as Podcast Alley (www.podcastalley.com) and BlastPodcast (www.blastpodcast.com) .
Some Podcasts for you to Start off With:
"The Marketing Moment" - http://www.digitalpodcast.com/detail.php'id=3024
"Win Federal Contracts" - http://www.podfeed.net/category_item.asp'id=2515
Audio is a great tool for your lead generation and relationship building, and it also makes a relatively easy-to-produce info-product that you can use to generate revenue. If you have a service business, especially any service that is very personal or intimate, or if it's very important that your prospects trust you and really feel comfortable with you before they would consider becoming your client, then audio would be a great asset to your marketing mix.
Audio adds the human factor to your business and, as we all know, people do not do business with businesses, they do business with other people. By using audio, you become a "real person" instead of a total stranger and you start the rapport building process.
With audio, you can convert most prospects into customers. In general, audio is much more entertaining than, say, a brochure or a sales letter, so it allows you to elicit more of a response from your prospects. Because you're tapping into the listener's senses, your prospect becomes more engaged in your message. As you know, it's impossible to convert a prospect into a customer if he's not receiving your message, and audio delivers your message in a more intimate way. Studies show that people remember only 20% of what they read but they'll remember up to 70% of what they hear. If you want your prospects to act on your message, they'll need to remember it!
Audio also allows you to distinguish yourself from your competition. Because even though audio is easily available to even the smallest businesses, most companies are still not taking advantage of this unique marketing opportunity. So by adding audio into your own marketing mix you're really differentiating yourself from the others in your industry.
You can use your audio, whether it's a CD or a podcast or web-based, as a means of introducing yourself to your prospects, and explaining the products and services you offer. If you offer a product or service that is technical or somehow requires training for your customers, audio is a great way to provide this training, or this in-depth information. It's much more personal than a written instruction manual, and it can also be used in conjunction with a written manual.
According to educational psychologists, up to half of the population learns best by listening. Now consider this: according to those same educational psychologists, learning is increased exponentially with repetition. So when you're using audio to present any technical aspect, your prospects can listen to it over and over again, and this repetition aids in learning. And since you, in effect, are the one who taught them, you become the expert.
You can use audio to present your client testimonials. You can have a full CD of client testimonials, or you can include audio testimonials on your web site. Similar to testimonials are audio product reviews. We've been using audio testimonials for a few years now, but even more powerful than testimonials is the audio product review.
You can also use audio to present tips, or frequently asked questions, and it's a great branding tool. Plus, it's portable, so your prospects can take your marketing message with them. They can pop your CD into their car stereo or download your mp3 onto their ipod. Distribution is very easy.
By using audio as a marketing vehicle you can free up your time and reduce the number of hours you work. Audio allows you to automate your sales process, because you create your presentation one time and it gets delivered over and over again. You make multiple copies of your CD or upload an mp3 to your web site and the audio is distributed to tons of different customers. And each time, it's a very personal, rapport-building presentation.
Another way audio allows you to leverage your time is because it helps filter out your prospects. Through your CD or your mp3 not only are you presenting your marketing message, but you're also presenting yourself. Your prospect gets to know you on a more personal level and he can then decide if you and your services are a good fit for his needs. The prospects who respond to your audio message already feels a bond with you - you don't need to waste a lot of your time trying to personally convince your prospect. He's already made up his mind by listening to your audio. So you end up with more time to work with prospects who are, in a sense, pre-qualified.
In general, adding audio to your marketing mix helps:
* reinforce your brand
* create "top-of-mind" awareness of your products and services
* intensify your exposure with your prospects
* increase impulse purchases
* provide greater reach than display ads
* free up staff by presenting your sales and marketing messages an unlimited number of time
Ready to take advantage of this great marketing medium? Be sure to request a copy of my free Quick Start Guide To Using Audio In Your Marketing Mix.
Both Robert Moment & Karen Scharf are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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