Avian influenza is a natural infection in wild birds, which are actually carriers without ever being affected by the disease. Never the less, the avian flu can be passed to domestic poultry through various types of contact such as sharing the same food and water or coming in contact with excrements and cages of contaminated birds. A fairly easy way of determining whether poultry such as chicken, ducks, turkeys has bird flu is microscope examination of their saliva and nasal secretions.
Bird flu caused by influenza A viruses does not have a spontaneous effect on humans. The possibility is rather low to many because we are not as susceptible to it as birds. Though rare, cases of human infection have been outlined by the press. The virus that spreads among humans is known as the human influenza virus and has three branches: H1N1, H1N2, H3N2. The viruses vary through the different types of proteins that form their genetic coat: Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidaze. Parts of the virus affecting humans have also been found in birds, but the main concern is that the virus is in permanent replication and may one day evolve into a more potent form.
Furthermore, there are two forms of influenza, differing through pathogenic capacity. The low form is usually not easily spotted and can cause minor derangements, while the high extremes of virulence are much more dangerous leading to high death ratio and damaging vital body parts.
Moreover, the H5N1 virus or the influenza A virus has affected a number of people. For this reason, it is becoming a nuisance in undeveloped regions of Asia and Africa where poverty is widespread and living conditions are at a limit. In these places transmission between different species of birds and bird to human transmission is very likely because people live in very close contact with their poultry. Generally the following manifestations are present: conjunctivitis, pneumonia, breathing disorder, fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches.
Although researchers are trying to come up with a vaccine as fast as possible, further experiments with the genetic coat of the virus are a must for the cure to be efficient. However, medication does exist. The likes of Zanamavir and Oseltamavir are currently on the market but it is not known whether they work or not.
At present time nobody can tell 100% if bird flu can cause a pandemic, but the H5N1 virus is closely monitored by experts worldwide.
The Bird Flu Hoax
Isn't it interesting to think that one day you could be going about your normal everyday life and then suddenly an outbreak of bird flu could be on you? What would you do in this situation? How would you react? Most people will tell you that they would stay calm and do what they are told, however this is unfortunately not true. You see, most people will panic and as a result, total chaos could erupt. So what can we do prevent this from occurring in the unlikely event of a bird flu breakout?
Preparation Is The Key
One of the first things that most people will think about if bird flu was upon them, is their loved ones and where they are located, therefore it is important to make sure you can communicate with your family and friends fast and easily. Does everyone in your family, including your children have a cell phone? Perhaps only to use just for emergencies. If this isn't the case than I would suggest going out and buying them all one. Most cell phone companies offer whole family deals and are usually very cheap to have.
Another thing that people should be looking into is safety equipment that will prevent the bird flu virus from entering into your system. There are many places that stock whole body suits that are easy to use and only take seconds to put on. These suits could mean the difference between life and death for you or your loved ones. Whatever equipment you have, make sure it is all together and in an easy to find place so the whole family knows where it is.
Do You Have a Plan?
The next step is to create a plan that everyone in your family can follow in the unlikely event of a bird flu outbreak. This would be something like the following in the case of a mother at home, a father at work and children at school. Step one, everyone call home using their cell phones to say where they are. This way everyone can be accounted for. Step 2, dad leaves work and picks up the kids on the way home from work, while at the same time, mom organizes all the safety equipment and makes it ready for the kids and her husband to put on easily. Step 3, dad and kids arrive home and mom or dad calls the center for disease control and prevention on 800-232-4636 and finds out the current situation on the crisis. Step 4, gain instructions on what to do. For example if the situation is serious you will be advised to put on your safety equipment. If the situation isn't as serious as what you initially thought, you will be advised to stay indoors until told otherwise.
From then on, mom and dad should call up that same number and receive constant updates until the time when events have changed, hopefully for the better.
Both Groshan Fabiola & Dane Stanton are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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