Of course, all the physical ways of protecting ourselves from bird flu by remaining as isolated as possible, not physically touching people unless necessary, wearing Nanomasks and so on, apply to the mentally challenged as well as to everybody else.
Their extra risk comes from the impaired ability to adjust to a world where the bird flu virus is killing millions around the world, and the many consequences of that.
They may not understand that they should not go out, should not visit with friends, should not attend any adult day care, cannot go to work at their sheltered workshop and so on. Or that food can no longer be cooked but must come out of a can. Or that the lights may not work again for months. Or that the grocery store where they work is closed or that their job coach died from the flu. Or that batteries should be saved to operate the portable radio rather than a video game.
They may require patience and retraining in learning how to use a manual can opener, wash their bodies from a bucket or to keep a Nanomask snugly on their face at all time when out in public.
Schizoprenics may easily over-react to a bird flu pandemic. Imagine it's the end of the world, incorporate it into their own mental fantasies etc.
Paranoids may make the best adjustment to the realities of a bird flu pandemic. Although the bird flu virus is not out to get them personally, it is out to get all of us. During a bird flu pandemic, avoidance techniques are practical.
Depressed people will require close observation, since a bird flu pandemic will only encourage this emotion. Many people around the world will be feeling event-linked depression over the state of the world and grief for deceased friends and family.
Everybody will be feeling stressed out, so people who're already having problems coping emotionally will be all the more likely to look for a way out through suicide. Those who make the threat or attempt in an effort to get further help may not fully understand that a fully equiped ambulance and trained Emergency Medical Technicians are not a quick phone call to 911 away.
In their emotional state they may not understand that the local hospital and medical personnel are already too overloaded with bird flu patients. The extra help they need and want may simply not be there.
That leaves you to give them the emotional attention the need.
One major challenge during a serious and protracted pandemic will be obtaining prescription drugs. Check with their doctor about stockpiling an extra month or two of their medicine, in the event of a pandemic or other emergency.
You should also check with their doctor about care through the pandemic. Do they plan to stay available? They're first trained as regular physicians, so it is possible they would be pressed into service at a local hospital tending flu patients? Do they have any back up?
Check with their medical provider, but I suggest giving them some useful task that is not critical but which is important enough for them to understand they are contributing to the household during a situation that is difficult for everybody. Make it their job to put the tubs outside at night to catch any rainfall, or to help with the cooking, or to keep the dog chained in the backyard.
As much as possible, keep their minds on accomplishing the small but useful day to day tasks that survival depends on.
Symptoms Of The Bird Flu
Yet there is a way to give yourself protection from bacterial pneumonia.
By itself, this will go a long way toward reducing your risk of dying from bird flu, if there's an influenza pandemic and you catch the H5N1 virus.
We don't have exact figures for causes of death of victims of the current bird flu, but we know that pneumonia and related bacterial diseases were listed as immediate cause of death on close to half of U.S. Spanish flu victims in 1918.
What is pneumonia -- your lung's alveoli become inflamed and flooded with fluid. The alveoli are the tiny sacs that transfer oxygen from the air you breathe into your blood stream.
Therefore, pneumonia attacks your body's ability to get oxygen into your blood so that it can be used. Since without oxygen we die, pneumonia is a potentially life-threatening problem.
Pneumonia is also a frequent complication of ordinary seasonal influenza, and together, they're the seventh most common cause of death in the United States. That makes them the most common infectious disease cause of the death in the U.S.
There're over 30 causes of pneumonia, but the most common types of pneumonia are caused by bacteria and viruses. These are also the most common type of pneumonias that take advantage of victims weakened by bird flu.
First, the bad news -- there is no protection against viral pneumonia. It can be treated somewhat with some antiviral drugs, but those will be in short supply during a bird flu pandemic. Ordinarily, about half of all cases are viral pneumonia. But it is actually less severe than bacterial pneumonia. Whether that would remain true for bird flu patients, we just don't know -- and hope we won't ever find out.
The good news is that there is a vaccine which will train your body's immune system to fight the common types of bacterial pneumonia.
Most cases of bacterial pneumonia are caused by the pneumococcal bacterium (also called Streptoccoccus pneumoniae). In children, it also causes sinusitis and ear infections. When it infects the lungs, it's pneumococcal pneumonia.
In the 20th century, death from pneumococcal bacterium was severely reduced in developed countries due to penicillin and other antibiotics. However, many strains of the pneumococcal bacterium and other bacteria that can cause pneumonia are now resistant to antibiotics.
There're over 200,000 cases of pneumococcal pneumonia a year in the United States, and it causes about 40,000 deaths, so the mortality rate is 20%. However, about half of the people who catch pneumonia caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria, while on a ventilator, will die.
The vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia is called Pneumovax. It contains material from the 23 most common strains of pneumococci bacteria. (No living bacteria.) It's effective in about 80% of adults. It's a 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine.
For children, there's Prevnar or PCV7 -- a 7-valent conjugate vaccine.
Ordinarily, Pneumovax is recommended for adults most at risk of pneumonia. Those over 50, with AIDS, with an organ transplant, undergoing cancer treatment or other immune-compromised. Also, people with Alzheimer's, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, alcoholism -- and people who smoke tobacco.
People who are in the hospital for any reason are also at higher risk of catching pneumonia -- a sad comment on our modern system.
Remember, however, that vaccines do NOT themselves provide you with any protection. Basically, they train your immune system how to fight a particular enemy.
They're only as effective as your immune system is strong.
If your immune system is weak and undernourished, it can't fight disease no matter how well trained.
Therefore, you should not rely on vaccines. You should do your part to keep your immune system strong. Eat healthy foods, get regular moderate exercise, take nutritional supplements, reduce stress and get plenty of sleep.
So if you're at all concerned about the risk of a bird flu pandemic, and especially if you're in one of the high risk groups, ask your doctor about Pneumovax now -- before it's too late.
Richard Stooker has sinced written about articles on various topics from Bird Flu, Chess and Bird Flu. c 2006 by Richard StookerRichard Stooker is the author of How to Protect Yourself and Your Family From Bird Flu and. Richard Stooker's top article generates over 12100 views. Bookmark Richard Stooker to your Favourites.