Also known as Avian Flu, the H5N1 virus is commonly seen among wild birds and is as typical as the human cold and is transmitted between birds. Domesticated birds can also be at risk to catch Avian Influenza from wild birds.
There is an incubation period of 1-5 days between the time of exposure and the development of symptoms and can be fatal within 2 days. The concern and fear regarding this potential pandemic is that once a virus begins to mutate, it behaves differently and can be transmitted between species. This is the case with HIV. HIV began in monkeys and is commonly seen as a virus between monkeys. After the virus mutated, it spread to humans and the effects have been tragic. The virus is already showing signs of mutation as cases involving cats and pigs have been recently brought to light. The other fear and threat comes from the issue of Human-to-Human contact. If the Bird Flu mutates into a strand that is easily communicable between humans, we could see a pandemic of Avian Flu. Right now, the best way to prevent a pandemic is through careful prevention and monitoring the H5N1 virus closely.
Bird Flu: Symptoms
The symptoms are very similar to the Human Flu strains that we are familiar with. Fever, sore throats, coughs, muscle aches and pains, and general malaise are all signs of the virus. Other symptoms include Pneumonia and trouble breathing. If symptoms are identified early enough, it can be treated successfully. However, there is the threat of death if its left on its own.
Protecting Yourself from Avian Influenza: Goggles and Gloves
Currently, Bird Flu is being seen in Asia and Europe. Since the key to preventing the spread or mutation of the virus is protection, it is strongly suggested that those who are handling anything that has been potentially contaminated with the virus, wear goggles, gloves and masks specifically designed to protect against the virus. You should also make sure that you receive an annual flu shot to protect yourself from having common Influenza at the same time, should you catch Bird Flu. The two viruses together could mutate causing the strand that leads to a pandemic. Always practice good hygiene, hand washing, and stay away from areas that may be contaminated with AvianFlu.
With this information, you can protect your family against a potential outbreak of the Avian Flu virus.
Swine Flu How To Protect
I trust you have more concern for the animals under your care than that, and there are ways to reduce the risk that they catch bird flu even during a serious pandemic.
The current A/H5N1 bird flu virus is unprecedented in the way it's proven it can infect not only birds and pigs (which can normally catch the flu from both chickens and people), but in how it's infected other mammals.
The cat in Germany. Allegedly lions and tigers in the Bangkok Zoo, and so on.
You must also remember this -- YOU can catch bird flu from your pets.
And your pets can catch bird flu from other animals and from other people.
So protecting them from bird flu is one way you must also protect yourself and your family.
I'm writing this article before bird flu has become contagious between people. There is no pandemic yet, but you should be concerned about transmission of A/H5N1 between animals. The virus has been found in Europe, though it's not yet in North America.
You should keep all your pet birds such as parakeets and canaries inside. That should shelter them from the virus.
If you're in Europe, Asia or Africa, I must say that it's risky to let your dogs and cats run free, especially if you're in a rural or wooded area frequented by wild birds. If you're in North or South America, this is not yet a problem.
Once a contagious bird flu pandemic starts, your options are more limited.
Pets should NOT leave your house or yard. I realize that dogs and cats used to running around free will not like being confined to home. They should remain on a leash or behind a fence that holds them in.
By the way, electronic fences don't count, because during the pandenic you cannot depend on electricity. I have a friend who delivers pizza. One night after an electrical storm, she had to stop her car in a very wealthy area to chase a bunch of peacocks off the road. I'm sure that they had been confined to the yard of one of the surrounding mansions behind an electrical fence -- until the power outage turned that fence off.
If you let your pets escape you will have to make a difficult decision -- because during a bird flu pandemic dogs and cats that have been running around loose should NOT be allowed back into your house or yard. I realize some of you will ignore this advice, but you'll be taking a big risk.
Since dogs and cats can catch bird flu, it's likely that some bird flu patients will transmit the virus to their pets. Who will then escape or be homeless because their owner died from that bird flu.
You don't want your pets exposed to those dogs and animals that'll be running loose through the streets.
You don't want your dogs and cats sniffing or eating dead birds.
You don't want your dogs and cats petted by strangers who may not even know they have bird flu.
If you let them out of your house or yard, they may well do some or all of those things before returning home to you -- bringing bird flu with them.
Therefore, the best way to protect your pets during a bird flu pandemic is to keep them away from everybody outside your family. Keep them inside your house as much as possible or at least in your yard.
They must stay isolated -- just as you should.
The best way to beat the bird flu is to avoid the virus.
Both Christopher Smith & Richard Stooker are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Christopher Smith has sinced written about articles on various topics from Home Management, Finances and Botox. Bird Flu Symptoms - Find out what the symptoms of the Avian Flu are and how to best protect you and your family. -. Christopher Smith's top article generates over 450000 views. Bookmark Christopher Smith to your Favourites.
Richard Stooker has sinced written about articles on various topics from Bird Flu, Chess and Bird Flu. c 2006 by Richard StookerRichard Stooker is the author of How to Protect Yourself and Your Family From Bird Flu and. Richard Stooker's top article generates over 12100 views. Bookmark Richard Stooker to your Favourites.