At this point in time there is not an online entrepreneur left who does not recognize the immense power and promise that the use of an affiliate marketing article offers. Sure, text links and banner ads are great, but when it comes to creating the kind of advertising vehicle that consumers will hold on to and even pass on to others, you cannot beat simple article marketing! Of course, like any other good thing there are pitfalls to avoid.
As a matter of fact, the 10 deadly sins of an affiliate marketing article must be avoided at all cost, lest your company reputation will suffer!
1. Whatever you do with your affiliate marketing article, do not use it to spam a blog or a forum. Some self proclaimed marketers have attempted to use such articles as forum posts and while they might write different introductions for the article to make it look like an ad hoc posting in response to another forum poster, within a few short sentences it becomes painfully obvious that the post is little more than an unwelcome sales pitch.
2. Unless you are a seasoned wordsmith, have your affiliate marketing article ghostwritten. The sheer volume of badly written articles be it diction, grammar, or punctuation is legion and there is little more embarrassing than having your customers point out a number of mistakes and error.
3. Fact-check your articles. This is vital when you use statistical data but also quotes.
4. Keep it pithy. 400 to 500 words are more than sufficient to write a worthwhile piece of non fiction to market your company, good, or service. Exceeding the 800 word count is pushing it.
5. Do not put all of your advertising eggs in one basket but instead commission (if you use a ghostwriter) a number of articles that look at the topic and product form a number of different angles. This puts volume behind your marketing campaign and while one approach may not appeal to your readers, another one might have just the hook you need to get the reader to turn into a buyer.
6. Do not overdo the pitch in your affiliate marketing article. Sure, you want everyone to know that your products and company at the cats meow, but unless you tempter substance with advertising, you will not find too many readers.
7. Advertise one thing only per article. Choose your product, your company, or an email newsletter you are offering for free. Cutting down on the things marketed permit for the development of a great strategy throughout the article.
8. Forgetting to include an opt-in link to your mailing list or email newsletter subscription database is perhaps the most egregious of the 10 deadly sins of an affiliate marketing article. Each article that is not offering that option simply is not working hard enough for you!
9. Having too many articles that differ in tone. While some articles may lend themselves to be spunky but intellectual, the failure to have your article ghostwritten by one writer will lead to a number of different skill levels to craft your work. Instead, request that one freelancer be given the assignment to make sure the tone remains similar.
10. Last but not least, cutting and pasting freely available material from the Internet is a deadly sin that might not get you in trouble, but it will show that your company has nothing new to offer. This is not the impression you want your clientele to have of you, your product, or the company you represent!
Seven Deadly Sins Demons
That is the wrong question to ask. Ask, what problem do I want to solve? You see, sometimes it is easy to just go for the products that have the highest gravity on Clickbank, but the truth is, the money goes to those who solve people's problems.
Two words, niche market. You must look for a group of people and accommodate to their needs. For instance, if you are into bodybuilding, you will realize that body-builders are never satisfied with their current workout routines. They are always looking for better routines that will guarantee results. You know the rest of the story; bring the product to the customer.
How do you do that? Have a website. This separates the serious from the casual marketers. Your website is your storefront on the Internet. Have high-quality content on a particular problem and recommend a product that will solve it. You must include the benefits of having that system with testimonials and reviews to see your conversion rates soar.
Your website must be focused on having high quality content that will get your readers coming for more in the future. But first, you must get them to find you. How? Simple! Get a free keyword tool like Good Keywords and start searching by first typing a general keyword like body-building and then narrowing your niche down to one of the related keywords like say, teen body-building.
To get traffic to your site, one of the fastest ways I recommend is to start an Adwords campaign that will be put up on content sites (and therefore more high quality traffic) which leads to your pages that have high quality content.
Many marketers only sell one affiliate product and they are happy with that. You have to follow through with your customers. Ask your customers for their reviews of the product and if they have other problems that need solving. Then, surprise them with yes; you know it, high quality content.
In so doing, you are separating yourself from the rest and building a rapport with your customers and you will be able to sell other related niche products to your existing customers. In addition, you can now get the reviews and pump it back to your storefront!
So, let us recap.
1) Find a niche market and solve their problems.
2) Have your own website that has high-quality and keyword focused content.
3) Have other products to sell to your customers in the back-end.
4) Surprise your customers with a free customers-only content in return for their reviews and testimonials of the products they bought.
Both Smith Ron & Saiful Rizal are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Smith Ron has sinced written about articles on various topics from Internet Marketing, Site promotion and SEO Articles. For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website:- Smith Ron's top article generates over 1600 views. Bookmark Smith Ron to your Favourites.
Saiful Rizal has sinced written about articles on various topics from Affiliate Programs. Saiful Rizal is the author of this article. Announcement : To get his free report "How To Create Your Ready-To-Sell Product In 5 Minutes With $0", click here.. Saiful Rizal's top article generates over 3600 views. Bookmark Saiful Rizal to your Favourites.
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