Supposedly only the geeks can do Search Engine Optimization for Businesses from home, and therefore it is something that freaks most people out. A properly optimized website, is like a magnet to search engines which means visitors. This sort of traffic you get from the Search Engines is called Organic Search Engine Traffic.
Organic Search Engine Traffic is simply put, Type-In Traffic. People arrive at your website because they typed in a keyword or a phrase that is applicable to your website, and because your site had unique optimization, your site shows up in the first few positions of the search results and gets the click-thru from the searcher.
4 Good Reasons Why Attracting Organic Search Engine Traffic Makes Increasing Sales Easy:
Organic Search Engine Traffic Is:
100 targeted (What could be more targeted than a person who in reality searched for what you're offering?)
100 Hassle Free (You don't have deal with SPAM issues)
A break through system has been developed by Brad Callen, who is one of the Internet's foremost experts on SEO. It is written for the absolute novice, but addresses matters that only the most advanced search engine optimizers know. This guide will literally take you by the hand and show you exactly how to maximize your use of SEO Elite. This SEO service is something that professional SEO companies charge thousands of dollars to do for their clients!
The little guy owning Businesses from home, is pretty much on his own, which is why tools like SEO Elite are so helpful. SEO is all about being as competitive as you can be within your risk margin, and changing with the algorithms. SEO is the art to feed the spiders what they like, and SEO Elite is the feeder.
That is why SEO service software such as SEO Elite are so effective: They cut down on the sheer load of work needed and supply instinctive styles for you to use your experience and get the most out of your investments (in this case, your website) AND your time to boost Businesses from home.
Some of the features of SEO Elite are:
1. Ability to examine any sites listed in the top search engines (this includes Google & Yahoo) to examine why they are getting listed high.
2. SEO Elite analyzes all your links and shows you the PR and Alexa rank accounts for your link partners' websites.
3. SEO Elite provides an article submission program that allows you to submit your articles to all the top article directories at the press of a button for each.
Look at any Internet marketing forum and you will see that both SEO and Keyword Elite (more about this in the next article) are 2 of the most used, highly respected SEO service software products in the industry. It is worth the price charged for its astounding article submission software alone, but its main worth lies in providing you with all the information and statistics you need to get your Businesses from home web pages ranked top in Google, Yahoo, MSN and the rest.
There is no doubt that SEO Elite is one of the software packages of the decade for anybody active in internet marketing, which is why it is also one of the best sellers. Using some of the best SEO service software available can save you thousands of dollars and get the traffic results you need. If you take promotion of your site seriously, it is the Software you have been waiting for so long.
Service Businesses For Sale
Believe me, I know how hard this process is and for some companies they believe they can never find uniqueness. To those I ask
"If you can't articulate why you are special, unique and different, then why would I choose you yet alone pay you a premium?"
The strange thing is most companies have something they believe that makes them truly unique and may be able to tell you in conversation yet fail to put it on any marketing or sales material. What a wasted opportunity!!
The things that just won't 'cut the mustard' in today's business climate:
Quality: Just to say 'we strive for the best quality', or "we guarantee the highest quality" is not enough for a number of reasons:
• In today's competitive environment quality is expected just to be considered as an entrant.
• What does quality mean? Is it the way you handle meetings, the quality of the documents you produce or the quality of the service you provide? In a service business that is by and large intangible how can someone tell if your tax return is quality? They can't try it on or feel it.
If you feel that quality really is your uniqueness then say so. Be specific. If you have offered a 100% money back, no quibble guarantee for five years and you have had 800 clients in that time and not one has requested a refund, surely it makes sense to shout it from the roof tops!
Service: Again service is often said to be the difference compelling enough to use a company yet hardly any one can justify it. If this is your advantage then quantify it:
• We guarantee to produce XZY within three days or you do not pay us for the service.
• If you order by XYZ by 4.PM we guarantee to produce ABC by mid day the very next day
These guarantees communicate clearly that you understand the service required and that you are extremely confident of providing it.
Expertise: Many companies I come across in 'expert service' i.e lawyers, accountants, think their clients are buying expertise. Most prospects for these complex services cannot evaluate expertise, they can not tell a really good tax return , but they can tell if a relationship is good and if the phone calls are returned. Clients are experts at knowing if they feel valued. Your expertise is assumed. You are selling a relationship - that needs the most work.
Some possible starting points for service business to define their uniqueness:
• It can be your actual solution and benefits
• Your approach to what you do or how you do what you do
• The type of client you serve - any specialisms
• The way you provide your service
• Your style of doing things
• The speed of service
• A solid guarantee
• A payment policy
So far so good? Remember to look out for Part 3 or have a look at my links below.
Both Francina Smit & Peter O'donoghue are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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