The information which we are providing you here is one of the basic and initial information in order to provide support and hope as well as to facilitate informed decisions. So please consider it as a basic one not a doctor's advice. Pancreatic cancer is one the most common cancer which is found in the men. When this cancer is found in men it results in fear and confusion for the patient and their family members. So at this stage it is an urge need for them to know about the treatment options and therapies through clinical trial. They should also know and understand the role of supportive care, complementary and alternative medicine which is essential to cure the disease.
The exact cause for this pancreatic cancer is unknown but the age; diet and lifestyle are linked with this pancreatic cancer. This disease is one of the most serious of cancers as it grows slowly and does not show any symptoms at its initial stage. This disease develops when the cancerous cells form in the tissues of your pancreas which is a large organ that lies in the stomach. The leading cause for the more death rates in pancreatic cancer is it spreads rapidly and is rarely detected at its initial stage. The cause does not appear until it quite advanced. The researchers have started to understand the basis of the disease that eventually lead to new and better treatment The lower risk for your pancreatic cancer is to have change in your lifestyles.
The needs that you need to change are in diet not to have heavy food that is animal food, stop consuming the alcohol, have plenty of fiber in the diet and consume lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. There is also a need in the maintenance of healthy weight of your body.
Some of the symptoms of this cancer are frequent urination at night, slowly urinary stream, pain whilst urinating; a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder after urination, dribbling after the urination and sometimes blood in the urine are all the signs of prostrate cancer. If this cancer is left to spread the other symptoms like weight loss, pain in the bones, fatigue and anemia can occupy the body.
The men who are at the risk of this cancer is the people who are above the age of 40, but this is a hidden one the people are highly risk at the age of sixties and eighties. The factors which contribute for the occurrence of this cancer are the medical, environmental, genetic and occupation factors. The people who smoke are at much risk of this pancreatic cancer If the person is suffering from the diabetes or any chronic liver disease then he is at higher risk of getting pancreatic cancer.
This disease is found when the person is diagnosed to jaundice or with any other less advanced diseases such as sudden weight loss, fatigue, discomfort in the abdomen, loss of appetite and glucose intolerance, dizziness, weakness, diarrhea, chills, or muscle spasms and other relatively nonspecific symptoms. When these are the symptoms then it is the time to get diagnoses properly as the doctor may say that they have been caused by something else. But it is at this time to take the right decision to cure the disease and be free from it and lead a healthy life.
Prostate Cancer New Treatment
If you want to know the latest prostate cancer news you will have to use the Internet to get this information. Although the Web may be a difficult place at times to locate specific information, there are ways to get the latest prostate cancer treatment news right from your computer. It's even possible with RSS (Really Simple Syndication) to have that news delivered right to your computer every day.
I thought of giving you some of the prostate cancer news but it would be yesterday's news so to speak and be of little value as time wore on. Instead, here are a few ideas on finding the latest prostate cancer treatment news yourself anytime you want to.
To get started you will need to visit one of the larger search engines, like MSN,, or Google and will begin a search for news specific information. Although you may have use a search engine to find things on the Web, many search engines also have an option to look for news. By selecting news, you're limiting your search to only those sites that have the latest information you may be looking for.
So once on the search engine home page and after selecting a news type search, you're ready to begin locating your prostate cancer treatment information.
After doing that, then type in the information in the space provided. In this case, type in "prostate cancer" in the space provided. When you have done this, then click the search button. This will return all the latest news articles about prostate cancer, but we can do better by refining our search a little.
To refine our search to get the latest news on prostate cancer treatments, you would enter the following into the box
"prostate cancer" + "new treatment " then hit enter.
Be certain to use the quotes are you will get a lot more news that isn't nearly as targeted as our interest is only in new treatments for prostate cancer. Without the quotes, we may get information on all types of cancer and all treatments, no matter new. The quote marks are important, so that the search engine will know that you want new treatments concerning prostate cancer.
The + between the prostate cancer in new treatment phrases tells your computer system to bring you news that has "prostate cancer" AND "new treatment" in the article. This is the absolutely best way to find prostate cancer news on the Internet.
Another option is to manually review popular news sites such as and
If you want your news on any new treatments for prostate cancer to be delivered to your system automatically, consider using a news aggregator and RSS feed. This bit of technology can provide regular updates on any new prostate cancer treatment that's mentioned in the news or health journals and deliver about information write to your desktop.
Wikipedia, a popular online encyclopedia has a with of news aggregators available for your use at
There are of course the old media and methods of staying updated about new treatment options. Of course, this means reviewing newspapers, magazines and journals manually. The good news once again however, is that a news aggregator can do this review of all online editions of these resources
So, although you may think the Web is nothing more than advertisements and spam e-mail, you will find that its search capabilities can provide a fantastic array of useful information on any subject, including new prostate cancer treatments and advancements.
Both Dr Jack & Abigail Franks are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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