The divine connection of the “you" of you is already in place and is a happening thing in and through the mindbody that you find yourself flowing through – right now. No longer is the seed of who “you" are lying dormant within the mindbody that you keep on believing yourself to be.
No longer are you “hamstrung" from being completely free of the bondage of being lost in who you think you are or keep on misidentifying yourself as being and no longer are you incapable of realizing this “you" of you that you can never escape or get away from.
If you so wish - you are now able to learn to be the immediate freedom of who “you" actually and truly are. You are now quite capable of realizing and of being the grace and beauty of this “you" of you on a momentary basis.
You are now free to enter upon the most miraculous, the most magical, the most wonderful and most delight filled journey of life - the greatest journey of the totality of existence - the journey of the divine one consciously entering its own manifestation via the mindbody that you find yourself flowing through.
You can now “be" you and begin to recognise that “you" are actually the divine one of all time. You can now fulfil what all the great scriptures have attempted to point you towards through their poetry and much disguised wording and guidance (disguised only to those who were not ready to understand). You can now truly awaken to the immensity of the energetic flowering of this divine one – the immortal one, the one beyond death and life – as it begins to incarnate through this very mindbody that you find yourself flowing through.
You are now able to be free of the entrapment of believing words and in their stead become the living embodiment of what those very words represent. You have no idea of what you are currently involved in shutting out over your arrogance of thinking that you are “onto it" when it is so blatantly obvious that you are not “onto it" at all.
It will become so blatantly obvious that you are completely ignorant of this “you" of you that is so completely free of the bondage that you continue to perpetuate for yourself, and that you are determined to not leave alone the action of attempting to be who you think you are.
Everything that you have been up to, to date, has had you being lost to the glory of who “you" are and of floundering around in the maze of notyou-ness. This floundering around has you trying to manipulate all kinds of things in the hope of adding to the original sin of the missing of the mark of who “you" already are. This of course, is not going to work for anyone, ever.
“You" already are. You have to stop furthering out from this one that is, before this furthering out takes place. You have to find this “you" of you and then you have to stop at and as this one. You have to stop at and as this one until you come to being deeply at rest in and as this one – at this point you will “be" in the problem free zone, the perfection of everything zone, the immortality of “you" zone.
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