Attempting to make yourself as comfortable as possible from within the circumstance of what is familiar to you, is what you are up to – and naturally so from this place of you not delighting in the being of who “you" truly are. You are left with trying to make the best out of your given predicament, which again, is rather unfortunate for you.
It is unfortunate for you because you completely miss out on just who it is that you already are; you do not live as the “you" of you that is this “you" and which is already flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you are so busily involved with the belief of and the attempt of trying to be, and you miss out on the realizing and being of what this “you" of you actually and truly is – the very heart of existence itself, the divine one of all time.
That is a lot of delight to miss out on and for what? For the pleasure of trying to make you (the you that you think that you are) as comfortable as possible - this of course, is indicative of discomfort. Not only is it discomfort-able but it is also a movement of disharmony and disarray. That is rather a high price to pay, unless that is what is desired – and this assumes that you really have a say in all of what you find going down in your life within all of this arising manifestation.
What do you have control over within the circumstance of your daily living? Can you just make anything happen for yourself, as you want it? Obviously this is something that you do not have full power or control over, even though it certainly appears that you have control over some things that are closer to your personal circumstance - you have the say in whether you will have marmalade or vegemite on your toast.
There are too many factors involved that are outside of your control and influence that affect what you get up to and try and do – on a daily basis. What is generally known - but not really seen - is that anything that anyone does affects everyone and everything else. The ripple affect of any movement has far reaching consequences.
In short, this all points out that you are not an isolated something that is completely separated out from all else. Everything done has consequences upon and for everything else.
It is understandable that you would not look at the bigger picture in an attempt to “plan" out the possible repercussions of all of your actions – even if you were capable of doing so, and you are not. It matters not how good your capacity for seeing the larger view of life - psychically, clairvoyantly, realization-ally or otherwise - it still falls way short of the mark.
This is what you will come to see for yourself as you begin to understand this “you" of you that happens to be the divine one, the very heart of existence, which is flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through right now.
This realization has you seeing that there is only this “you" of you that is already right here and that this “you" of you is the only “one" that ever was, is and will be even as it is completely beyond it all in the same instant of timelessness – without any contradiction or paradox to any of it (in other words, it is energetically so).
This realizing has you understanding that this divine one that “you" are is completely standing alone of its manifestation even as it flows into it with more of its consciousness and that this one has completely designed, from within its own intelligence, the best and most astute way possible to maximise its incarnation into this manifest existence with the greatest flavour of itself. At this stage of its proceedings, your mindbody is it – this mindbody that you find yourself currently flowing through.
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