It has been confirmed that alcohol causes depression. Depression is an enduring feeling of hopelessness, sadness, unhappiness, and causes a bleak and dull outlook towards life. And when we are suffering from depression we cannot be at the top of our game. It is hard to function at our best when we are fatigued and are experiencing a general lack of interest, also caused by depression. It may as well be significant to point out here that depression causes anxiety. So people who suffer from depression will also have episodes of anxiety.
Since alcohol is a recognized depressant, it stands to reason people with depression should not drink. This applies to people suffering from hyper depression too. Studies have revealed that doctors do not diagnose correctly for almost 65% of people who are depressed.
The depression caused by alcohol actually starts with our physical body. First, alcohol lowers the serotonin and nor epinephrine levels in our brain. These chemicals are the chemicals that give us a element of good feelings: a feeling of well being, and they help us to feel normal. The anti-depressant drugs were intended to build these chemicals back. After a long drinking session, since alcohol can take these brain chemicals down to ground zero, it can take a long time for the anti-depressants to bring these brain chemical levels back to where they need to be.
Alcohol as well provisionally nullifies the effects of stress hormones. This is why after drinking we feel worse than ever, because alcohol depresses our nervous system and our brain. A study was done that go behind people who were only drinking one drink a day and later than these people stopped drinking for 3 months, their depression scores better. And that is only at one drink a day, so it is simple to visualize the impact the kind of volume an alcoholic takes in daily can have.
Alcohol wipes out every vitamin in our system after a drinking session. A folic acid deficiency will add the brain aging and in older people, dementia. The folic acid deficiency as well adds to overall depression. Further, the alcohol in our body also breaks down and speeds the elimination of antioxidants in our blood. Antioxidants are seriously important to our health because antioxidants fight free radicals and free radical injure causes diseases and aging. Our immune system in fact creates the antioxidants which then neutralize the free radicals.
Alcohol can activate a gene that has been linked to depression and other mental problems. The outcome of this activation can cause not only depression, but seizures, and manic depressive episodes too. Although the majority of problem drinkers associate depression with their mental and emotional states, the fact is this kind of depression originates in our physical body's response to drinking alcohol.
An important characteristic of the disease of alcoholism is that it is progressive. Most people only consider of the progression of the disease in terms of quantity and occurrence consumed. But it is as well progressive in the severity of the consequences incurred from nonstop use. Alcohol affects social and relationship problems, health, psychological and cognitive functioning, and moral and spiritual problems.
Main Causes Of Depression
Obesity is considered a long-term complex disease. Many factors are involved in determining why some people are heavier than others and how much risk they have for developing other medical problems. Science continues to search for answers.
But until the disease is better understood, the control of excess weight is something patients must work at for their entire lives.
That is why it is very important to understand that all current medical interventions, including weight loss surgery, should not be considered medical cures. Rather, they are attempts to reduce the adverse effects of excessive weight and alleviate the serious physical, emotional and social consequences of the disease.
Obesity Causes
Family Influence- A Major Contributory Cause to Obesity
Parental behavioral patterns concerning shopping, cooking, eating and exercise, have an important influence on a child's energy balance and ultimately their weight.
Reduced Energy Expenditure - A Possible Root Cause
People who eat more calories need to burn more calories, otherwise their calorie surplus is stored as fat. For example, if we eat 100 more food calories a day than we burn, we gain about 1 pound in a month. That's about 10 pounds in a year. Over two decades this energy surplus causes a weight gain of 200 pounds!
Family Influence - A Major Contributory Cause to Obesity
Parental behavioral patterns concerning shopping, cooking, eating and exercise, have an important influence on a child's energy balance and ultimately their weight.
Obesity, however, has many causes. The reasons for the imbalance between calorie intake and consumption vary by individual. Your age, sex, and genes, psychological makeup, and environmental factors all may contribute.
Genes: Obesity tends to run in families. This is caused both by genes and by shared diet and lifestyle habits. Having obese relatives does not guarantee that you will be obese.
Sex: Men have more muscle than women, on average. Because muscle burns more calories than other types of tissue, men use more calories than women, even at rest.
Genetic Causes of Modern Obesity
Genes affect a number of weight-related processes in the body, such as metabolic rate, blood glucose metabolism, fat-storage, hormones, to name but a few. Also, some studies of adopted children indicate that adopted children tend to develop weight problems similar to their biological, rather than adoptive, parents.
Lifestyle choices
Lifestyle choices are an important factor in influencing your weight.
Lack of physical activity
Lack of physical activity is another important factor that is related to obesity.
Many of us have jobs that involve sitting at a desk for most of the day, and we rely heavily on our cars to get around.
Medical reasons
In less than one out of every 100 cases, there is a medical reason for obesity.
Endocrine factors: Abnormal influence or imbalance can be one of the causes of obesity. Obesity in women commonly begins at puberty, during pregnancy or at menopause.
Drugs: The use of steroids and insulin is commonly followed by weight gain.
The causes of obesity are rooted in the modern lifestyle, in which the abundant nutrition, rich in fats is accompanied by insufficient consumption of energy, and decreased physical activity. Obesity occurs , when the taking of calories exceeds the amount of energy burnt by human. Facts show that obesity often has more than one cause. The genetic assumption, the regime of nutrition, the physical activity, psychological and other factors.
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