It is no mean measure that today it is considered to be the second busiest city of Malaysia after Kuala Lumpur. Penang is a 285 sq. Km island connected to 760 sq. km of mainland through a 13 km bridge. The island city is dotted with temples and historical sites scattered at many places. The beautiful picturesque beaches are mostly concentrated in the northern area of the city.
Thousands of tourists throng this absolutely gem of an island city every year to experience the distinctive heritage and fabulous scenery. The striking aspect of this city is that though the populace is multi-racial, the culture adopted by the people has a somewhat of a Chinese touch. First timers will be surprised to see Malays and Indians speaking the Hokkien language alongside the large 65 percent Chinese population of Penang. The city inhabitants love to eat out which has become a very popular past time. The hawker stalls of Penang have assumed legendary status among the Malaysians and are renowned for their excellent food and vivacious atmosphere.
Penang’s official history dates back to 1786 when the Sultan of Kedah ceded the state to Francis Light in lieu of British military protection from the Siamese. Penang flourished as a centre for trade of tea, spices, china and cloth and became part of Malaysia in 1957. Today, Penang is fast developing into an even livelier city. Enter into any of the many hotels in Penang and you shall be amazed at the graciousness with which the hotel staff treats their guests.
This is a first hand glimpse the first time visitors get to know about the hospitality to follow. Tourism and hospitality are, in fact, crucial in turning the fortunes of this fabulous city. This is a fact well understood even by the local population. That explains why an extra effort is put in by the people as well as the Government to ensure that the city attains its old status as a glorious city.
It is said and also an accepted fact by most tourists who have had the good fortune of visiting Penang that it is very difficult for one to get bored on this exciting island! Though it is a small island there is no dearth of cultural sights and beautifully attractive natural scenery to delight in. The variety of relaxing holiday activities one can actually indulge in Penang adds a certain distinctive charm to the island city. One can simply walk along the sandy beaches if one so desires or admire the landscape from the summit of Penang Hill.
There are opportunities galore to playing with vipers in the famous snake temple or go shopping for merchandise. With so much to indulge in, is there time to get bored! Make advance room reservations in Penang hotels to enjoy some exquisite hospitality and fine ambiance of hotels Penang.
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