Our "story" is akin to the Kraken of our Mental Sea! It lies submerged in the depths of our mind waiting to annihilate our self-confidence, our positive intentions and our dreams. When our ship comes in, it clambers through our mind so quickly and with such destructive force that sometimes we don't even know what just happened. The only thing we know is that we just watched our ?ship? sail by!
Our ?story? is so familiar to us that, like the Kraken, we've heard the folk tales, but don't believe it's real or that our ?story? could really be the cause of our sorrow. Therefore, its destructive force (the dream-wrecks that it leaves in its wake) is inexplicable, unidentifiable and deceptively invisible to our naked eye. We are left feeling indignant, dumbfounded and looking to blame someone or something (like the Universe) for our unfulfilled desires.
When limiting beliefs and negative emotions are present, whether we are aware of them consciously or not, they erode our positive intentions and thus prevent us from naturally creating what we want.
Like Perseus, you have to defeat the Kraken!
You have a couple of options and in my experience, they work better in unison. First, claim your unlimited potential with powerful, emotional, visions and affirmations of the life you want and the life you would have liked to have had (as if you actually had it). This alone, with enough commitment, consistency, persistence, faith, confidence, certainty, gratitude, faith, joy, love (and this list goes on and on) can be powerful enough to do he job.
Chances are, if you had enough faith to attract what you want with affirmations alone, you would have already done it.
Therefore, if your ?story? is destroying your positive intentions, then this next option is the mental Kraken slayer for you!
Find and neutralize your story using the amazing power of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).
For example, if love is what you desire and you don't have enough of it in your current relationship or if you're single, then ask yourself, "What are my most dominant feelings about this?"
And, if you're honest with yourself, if you don't already feel great and already have the love you desire, then you'll find that you feel disappointed, frustrated, impatient or even worse - apathetic and hopeless a portion of the time!
As long as your emotional ?radio signal? is broadcasting any message other than joy, love, acceptance, courage, optimism and peace you are actually repelling, rejecting, and preventing your optimal relationship from materializing.
For example, if you are already in a relationship - then what do you think happens when you feel that habitual feeling of disappointment when he/she does the ?thing? you asked them not to do or doesn't do the ?thing? you asked them to do? i.e. Have you asked them to call when they're going to be late and once again they don't? And, you instantly feel slighted, unappreciated and hurt?
This same reaction happens over and over again with the many ?slights? we perceive in our current relationships and with each new ?emotional signal? we send out - we actually cause more and more of the love we want to disappear.
What if, however, you could change your emotional signal - so that no matter what your partner does you feel connected? What if you could change your ?story? and thereby change your reaction, your vibrational signal and restore your connection to ?the Truth that all is well and in Divine Order??
And, what if within this connection, you begin to apply the law of attraction in such a manner as to inspire them to start calling every time, etc.?
Wow - you'd not only feel better (the most important rule for any conscious creator) but you'd then stop getting what you don't want and you'd start getting what you do want instead!!
Now, what if you're single? If you're single and you want a relationship, then what do you think happens when you go out on a date with a ?dud? and have that same feeling of, ?all the good ones are taken? and ?I'll never find someone I'm attracted to??
This emotional signal only has to go out a very few times before it begins to create and attract in your world the very thing you don't want - more dud dates!
With EFT we can get in there and neutralize the ?fear of the dud date? and/or the ?fear of being hurt? that causes our habitual perceptions of reality (our mental Kraken).
Once neutralized, you can begin launching a peace-filled, intentional story that contains the vibration of hopefulness. From this place of peace, your creative visualizations are capable of reverberating back to you in full force to yield the relationship that you really, really want!
But what if your Mental Kraken is completely hidden to you? What if the story that continues to wreck your dreams of love, health, happiness and wealth is completely subconscious and you just can't find it no matter how hard you try to hunt it down?
We all have elements of our past that we don't individually recognize. We simply have to deal with what we think may be our story and use that as a starting point.
This is what conscious creation is all about - intentionally using the power of the mind to tap into the law of attraction with a ?story? that serves as your magical alchemist; transforming your life into the fulfilled potential of your heart's desires and your life's purpose.
I have found that with EFT and LOA together, we help our inner negative thoughts get out of the way so that we can be the powerful co-creators that we were born to be!
Anisa Aven has sinced written about articles on various topics from DUI, Fitness and Photography. Receive Anisa's FREE Conscious Creation 101: a 5-part e-course on the basics of Manifesting by visiting http://www.creatavision.com/creative-manifesting.htm. Read more about manifesting and conscious creation by visiting http://www.CreataVision.com and h. Anisa Aven's top article generates over 201000 views. Bookmark Anisa Aven to your Favourites.
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