Direct response advertising is all about getting your prospect to take the action you want. And the sooner they do that the better your conversion rate will be. There are many techniques and they work in combination so use them all to maximize your results. The idea is to build urgency, make it easy to respond and give no reason to put it off until later. Here's my top 10 tested techniques to get more prospects to take action now. 1. Cut-off date to your offer Create urgency by having a cut-off date. For more details You can do that in a number of ways but it's really important that you do it with integrity. Don't have a cut-off date and then allow people to come later to that very offer. One way is to offer a free bonus that you can only have if you respond within say 10 days. After that the bonus is not included. Another is an early bird discount with a cut off date when the price goes back up. 2. Takeaway close Have a takeaway close. This means you can take this away - it's not always going to be available! And you don't have to put a time on that. You can just say, I may never do this again. This might be a one-time offer. Or maybe it is a one-time offer. 3. Use a P.S. A P.S. is a technique particularly good for letter-writing. It's one of the first things anyone reads. The strange fact is most people, when they receive a letter flip to the back to see who it's from and then proceed to read the PS. Or read the headline on a sales page on the internet and scroll to the end. Meet them there and load your letter with plenty of P.S.'s so that you can grab their curiosity enough to make them want to go back and read the letter from the start. 4. Special "STOP PRESS" extra bonus for ordering within deadline Having a "Stop Press" or special extra bonus for ordering within a deadline is another way. For more details This is offered only to those who take action before the close off date or even within a limited number of people. It could be a competition or lucky draw prize. 5. Reply paid self-addressed envelope If you're using direct mail put in a reply-paid envelope. Don't ask people to buy the stamp and find an envelope. Include it. Think about how much easier it is to fill out that coupon, put it back in the envelope and pop it in the post. One less reason to put it aside. 6. FREE CALL order number Provide as many methods to reply as you can including a free call order number. People like choice and convenience so the more ways you have to respond the more likely you will get people to take action now. This applies even if you're advertising on the net. You will of course have a prominent "submit" button which most people will be happy to use but there will be a percentage of people who will prefer to pick up the phone. 7. FREE FAX order number Just as some people prefer to phone, others will happily fill out a form and fax it back. Give them an order form and a free fax number as one of the many methods they can use to respond. 8. Powerful call-to-action copy Don't assume your prospect will know what you want them to do. Many people make this mistake and don't ask for the order. Make it clear why you are making the offer, why they should take up the offer and exactly what they need to do to respond. 9. Split payments to make the purchase easier to afford If you're offering a higher end product or service that might give people cause to think about it, offer split payments. Consider a deposit up front with several monthly payments to make it easier for your customer to buy it now and not put it off till later. The purchase decision is a lot easier if they can spread their payments. 10. Use prominent submit buttons and buy now links Even though readers are trained to expect an order button don't make them search for it. Make your "submit" button large and prominent. A red key line around the button works well. And don't wait until the end to ask for the order. Place several links throughout your copy to invite your reader to purchase now. Use strong, descriptive action words like "get access now" or "buy now" instead of "click here". Using these techniques is how you get people to truly sit down and make a decision now. Because if you don't, then too many things can come between them and that decision. We all procrastinate at some stage but these sort of strategies encourage taking action now.
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