Are you overwhelmed with outstanding bills? Do you find it difficult to make your monthly payments because there's just not enough money at the end of the month? If you happen to own your home and you've built up some equity, you can unlock that equity and use it to help your financial situation. Getting a home equity loan to consolidate bills makes sense and makes your monthly payments easier to handle.
Consolidating your bills will lower your monthly payment to fit your budget. How?
It's actually pretty simple. Let's say you decide to consolidate your bills. What happens is you replace all those outstanding bills with one home equity loan. The monthly payment you now make on your new home equity loan will be less than the total amount of payments you would make on the multiple bills. You can work with your lender to adjust your monthly payment to suit your budget.
Also, there's an added bonus. Instead of dealing with multiple payments, you now have only one lender to deal with. Your chances of missing a payment or forgetting about a bill are reduced. And all of that prevents any further damage to your credit rating.
Here's another bonus when you consolidate bills using a home equity loan. This type of loan has some of the lowest interest rates out there. Having a lower interest rate will help offset the cost of having lower monthly payments. And over the long run, that will save you a great deal of money.
If that weren't enough, here's another bonus. This one is exclusive to home equity loans. When you take out a home equity loan, you receive tax benefits on the monthly payments you make. That makes this technique one of the best ways to make your monthly payments more manageable.
So if you find yourself struggling with outstanding bills and monthly payments, you should consider using a home equity loan to consolidate bills. You will make your monthly payments easier to manage and the lower interest rates and tax benefits make it one of your best options to tackle your debts.
Home Equity Loan Ct
If you are a home owner who is having to borrow from Peter to pay Paul every month due to a mounting debt load, a debt consolidation home equity loan may be the answer. A debt consolidation loan will allow you to consolidate your high interest credit card and consumer loan debt into one low rate, affordable monthly payment.
A debt consolidation home equity loan is a secured loan. It is important for you to know that your home will be used as collateral which means the lender will have a lien on your home until the loan is paid off in full. None the less, if you are drowning in a sea of debt, a debt consolidation loan can give you a new financial start. It can help you avoid bankruptcy as well as end harassing creditor phone calls. In addition, in most cases, your monthly payment will be significantly lower freeing up cash that can be used for a retirement savings plan, to fund a college education or to just save for a rainy day.
It is important that once you obtain your debt consolidation loan you refrain from running the tab on the recently paid off credit cards back up. If you do not think you will be able to resist the temptation then you may want to consider cutting up your credit cards and closing out the accounts. If not, you can quickly find yourself in a situation that is worse than before you consolidated your debt!
Another benefit of a home equity debt-consolidation loan is that the interest you pay on the loan may be tax deductible. You should consult your tax advisor regarding your particular situation but in most cases as long as the combined 1st mortgage and new debt consolidation loan do not exceed 100% of the value of your home the interest will be fully deductible.
Most lending institutions these days offer home equity loans that can be used to consolidate debt so you should not have a problem finding a lender to facilitate your loan needs. You will also find that there is an abundance of information on the internet about debt consolidation home equity loans. Two very informative sites that you can visit for more information on the various type of home equity loan debt consolidation loan programs available and the lenders who offer them are <---****HYPERLINK****--->""> and <---****HYPERLINK****--->""> .
Both Thomas Erikson & Levetta Rivera are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Levetta Rivera has sinced written about articles on various topics from Home loans, Debts Loans and Credit Home Loan. Levetta Rivera is a successful mortgage broker and financial consultant. For more in depth information on various mortgage loan programs available including loan products for people with bad credit visit:||. Levetta Rivera's top article generates over 5400 views. Bookmark Levetta Rivera to your Favourites.
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