Google Adwords is the biggest and most advanced Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising system developed and maintained by Google. You might have already seen Google Adwords if you are a Google user, they are the small advertisements or ads you can see next to the search results on Google. They may also appear in Google's Partner sites like Ask Jeeves, AOL, Teoma, Earth link and others. You can even have your ads show up on Google webmail sevice, GMail, when users send emails that include content
relevant to the keywords you had bidded for.
Adwords is a terrific complement to any existing advertising campaign, but probably should not be used as the sole marketing channel for your website. This program allows you to control your advertising budget by giving you the ability to set the maximum price that you're willing to pay, per click, and also a maximum allowable daily advertising budget. You choose the keywords that you would like to target, bid on the maximum per click price you'd like to pay, and Google will send focused traffic to your website. According to Google, Adwords text advertisements boast a standard click-through rate four to five times higher than traditional banner ads.
Adwords Vs Overture
Overture is the main competitor to Google AdWords. Overture is strictly price driven, which requires a ton of editors to perform countless hours of maintenance. Google is a highly mathematical company, and protect the quality of their listings in two ways: they have editors, and more importantly they monitor click through rate.Overture does not always show the correct ads in the correct websites, so it lead to low Click Through Rates (CTR) too.
What is Click Through Rate in Google Adwords ?
As more and more people click on your ads when they see it in Google or any of its partner sites, your click through rate increases. Click through rate is a rough approximation of relevancy, in many ways this parallels the idea of grading the web on links. A relevant ad will have higher click through rates than a non relevant listing.
It is smart to avoid choosing keywords that are too vague or general. To generate highly qualified prospects you have to choose very specific keywords. This way, competition for the keyword will be lower, and it will cost less per click, and you won't be throwing money away on expensive, unqualified leads. For example, if you only sell Green Widgets, don't bid on the term "Widgets" it is too broad and you'll pay for clicks from people searching for "Red Widgets"
What is Cost Per Click in Google Adwords ?
Cost-Per-Click (CPC) as the name suggests, is the amount of money you will have to pay Google Adwords when somebody clicks on your ad. Your CPC is automatically lowered to one cent more than your closest competitor. Google Adwords does not show you, your competitors bid price to you unlike Overture.
Create a budget and stick to it. In marketing, there is a saying, "I waste half my advertising dollars, but, the problem is, I don't know which half". It's difficult to know how effective the Adwords program will be if you're also utilizing other marketing channels (as you should be). When checking out, give your customers the option to let you know how they found your website. If you find Adwords is paying off, then it may be smart to increase your budget. It also may not be very cost efficient to bid for the #1 spot for every keyword. The #2 position may be almost as effective, but cost only half as much.
Google Adwords How To
a. Reaching people looking for your product or service
b. Allowing you to fully control your ad budget
c. Giving you the ability to easily create and edit your ads
d. The functionality which allows you to see your ads on Google within minutes of creating them
AdWords gives you unlimited access to detailed performance reports that help track the effectiveness of your online advertising campaigns. Additionally, Google provides the most knowledgeable customer service possible. You can expect a prompt response to your email questions, usually within a single business day or instantly through their online database of frequently asked questions
The key benefits of using AdWords include:
1. Control. With all the great features a Google AdWords account provides, the most beneficial is the ability to fully customize your online advertising. Google offers you many options such as; Cost-per-click (CPC) pricing, so you pay only for the clicks you've received at a price you've set; Cost-per-impression (CPM) pricing on the content network for those who prefer to pay by the impression; Daily budget you set; Targeted ads you create and manage; Ad scheduling: run your ads on the days and hours you want; Performance reports 24/7 online in your account; Advertising network of sites and products for increased ad exposure.
With no monthly minimum spending limit or time commitment and only a minimal fee to set up your account, Google AdWords is the ideal marketing tool for any sized businesses.
2. Success. Google relies on it's advertisers to be successful. The more you use AdWords, the more revenue they generate. And of course, you should only continue using online advertising if you are seeing a positive return on your investment. As a result, Google provides you with cost estimations and tools to help you control pricing and continually ad features to share what makes AdWords advertising work.
3. Support. Google has done a good job of providing support to all of their advertisers. They have created an online Help Center to make sure you benefit from the tools they provide and to give you the flexibility of controlling your own account. You'll find the Help Center filled with useful program information, performance tips, and step-by-step instructions for creating and maintaining a Google AdWords account.
If you're unable to find what you need on the Google AdWords site, or via Google webmaster tools, the customer support team can provide you with the detailed answer to your questions and offer additional assistance.
For anyone interested in making money online, Google AdWords is a great place to start. This is because they are the most popular and widely used. As a result, many of the questions you might have - no matter how unique your circumstance have probably already been answered through the online resource center or when calling a Google AdWords representative.
Start today by visiting the AdWords site and opening an account. You will need to complete some basic information, but you'll be up and running in no time.
Both Samuel Colon & Michael Fleischner are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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