The conversion rate is the percentage of purchases of your services or products compared to the total number of people who visited your website through the adwords ad. It is of your best interest to keep this number as high as possible. If you have very low conversion rates you need to tweak your campaign and ad settings as soon as possible to get those numbers up. Refining your ads and choosing better keywords are the first step.
Google has set up a tool in your adwords account that allows you to do some exact conversion tracking for each campaign and each ad. This tool shows you exactly what your rates are and which ads are performing well so you can discard the poor performing ones. Look for patterns that can give you an idea of what might be going wrong in a certain campaign or ad so you can modify the poor performing ads.
The factors that determine adwords conversion are many. The first step is to get people clicking your ad and visit your site but the ultimate goal is to make people visit your site and buy your product or service or even generate a lead for a future sale. You are failing to convert when a visitor is not signing up for your newsletter or doesn't buy anything from you. Your site layout, design and information provided on it will largely influence your conversion rates. If your site is not user friendly your are very likely to loose a lot of customers due to poor conversion.
Don't offer free stuff in your ads if people visiting your site have to pay to get it. Your offer must reflect exactly what people will get when clicking the ad. An ugly site with poor navigation and difficult to use will not help you getting high conversion rates no matter how effective the ads are you created for your campaign.
Google Adwords Conversion Tracking
Are you new in the pay-per-click advertising business? Do you know the best ways in reaching out to your intended market? If you are a beginner, chances are, these questions sound somewhat complicated. And even with the assumption that you understand your target's information needs, there is no guarantee that they will instantly take action on your product or service offered. But you can get high quality, first rate traffic to your website and increase your campaign's conversion rates with six effective ways that will be discussed here.
Google Adwords pioneer Perry Marshall encourages affiliate marketers and Internet advertisers to make the most of Google Adwords by testing multiple ads against each other, using innovative research methods to track down keywords that convert, and writing clear and concise ads that resonate with the viewer.
Improve conversions using Google Adwords with these six more ways:
1. Know about Google's "dynamic keyword" feature. This feature allows Google to place as headline the search term your visitor looked for in the search box. When you are not sure what keywords to use or how to come up with a headline, you can always turn to the "dynamic keywords" as this can make your ad pertinent to them at once.
2. Alter only one word when you evaluate ads against each other. As proposed by Perry Marshall, test ads must be segregated to monitor conversions as well as pinpoint the most effective ad after the trial period. You can do this by ensuing minor edits or changes to your initial ads. Change just one word in the headline or keyword in the body's copy to learn what knocks the socks off your targets.
3. Don't run your ads on the Content network right away. The Content search may not help you get the targeted traffic you want right away, so turn this feature off when you first start out and focus instead on the basic search results pages.
4. Utilize the Geographic targeting feature. This makes it easier for you to link to your target market's location. Most prefer market at the micro level rather than national or international. That said, it is wiser to filter your Adwords reach if you want to effectively advertise your products or services.
5. Avoid typing "www" in your URL link. Aside from its visual appeal, removing the "www" in your link allows people to get a fair idea of what to find once they click the link to your ad. You have to ascertain however that the link really goes into a sales page or landing page.
6. Capitalize the first letters throughout the ad. The headline is one of the most important parts of your Google Adwords ad, so make sure it is easy to read and each word begins with upper case letters. You can also capitalize the letters of the ad copy and your URL link for visual appeal and a more professional look.
Both Onlinetutor & Donald D. Davis are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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Donald D. Davis has sinced written about articles on various topics from Adwords. Advertising with Google Adwords is an effective technique that most websites can use to attract more sales.Creating quality Google Ads is one of the most import. Donald D. Davis's top article generates over 1000 views. Bookmark Donald D. Davis to your Favourites.
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