Forget about what the relationship consultants are saying that everything hangs on your circumstances, who the rejected is and who the rejecter is and what the reasons for the break up are. There is still a good chance that you can get your ex girlfriend back.
Every single day, thousands of folks win their lovers back even after the most dramatic breakups. Those who have committed the worst mistakes in a relationship, ie having affairs and cheating on their partners were able to get away with them and restore their relationships.
It is possible for you to get your ex girlfriend back. But you need to understand the elements of success behind these stories that you hear.
1. Commitment To Put In Some Effort
Even if only you are willing to put in effort to get your ex girlfriend back, it is quite sufficient. By the way, it need not be that hard after all.
2. Learning The Reasons For The Breakup
The key to reconciliation lies in knowing why both of you parted and making plans to remedy it. When you see the reason clearly, it gives you the level-headedness to think of the follow up action.
3. Changing Your Habits Or Behavior Towards Her
Perhaps the reason for the breakup is an unwillingness to change. It can be you or her. It doesn't matter. Learn to accept each other's faults and shortcomings.
4. Gaining Some Support
Are you close to her friends, especially girlfriends? Whether you are close or at least have left a good impression on them, you are in an advantageous position. These ladies can psycho her to believing that you are a good catch and only you can be the best guy there is for her. Skip this if you have a sour relationship with them. Provoking them will backfire!
5. Avoid Contact While Calming Down
A breakup can invoke serious emotions. Communicating with her right after that is going to be ugly most of the time. All the frustrations expressed in words can end up hurting both of you to the point of no return. Do not call each other until such time when the initial feelings have subsided. This will improve your chance to get your ex girlfriend back.
6. Express Concern Only As A Friend, Not Lover
No matter how deep your feelings for her are, do not be quick to express how much you miss her. For a start, after you have resolved the feelings after the breakup, it is time to let her know your concern. Tone it as a friend and not lover. A short sms text, or email is appropriate.
7. Arranging To Meet Up
A good time to meet up is when both of you are no longer still dwelling in the emotional hurts. Think about what you want to say and be honest. Share that you miss her but do not sound too begging or needy. Sometimes, the three words "I am sorry" can make a lot of difference and be the trick to get your ex girlfriend back.
Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back
1) Take The Familiar Road And Wait It Out. This is one of the ways to get your ex girlfriend back that you will hear a lot. You basically should take a vow of "no contact" and give her anywhere between fourteen days and one month to calm down, gain some perspective and be open to you again. Why the no-contact rule exists is simply to not interfere with her own natural way of dealing with the break up. You should let her mind go its natural way. It's almost ridiculous how much she can forget over a one month period. After a little break like this I have seen guys waltzing back into their ex girlfriends' lives as if nothing was wrong.
2) Let Her Friends Love You. This is a dirty little trick that, when played right, is probably one of the most effective ways to get your ex girlfriend back. If you are close friends with her friends, you are in luck. What you should do is be the coolest friend they could have ever wished for. Make sure that they never catch you being depressed or sad about the break up. Just be real, friendly and happy around them and they will only have good things to say about you. You can be sure that these things will reach your ex girlfriend. The great thing is that if it is some of her girl friends, they can literally brainwash her into realizing how crazy she was for breaking up with you! Evil? Yes. Does it work? Like a charm.
3) Jealousy Makes Her Nasty And Wanting You Back. It's a fact that getting your ex girlfriend back is won or lost in the mind. And what's the strongest factor in determining what is going on in somebody's mind? That's right, emotions. Jealousy is one of the most intense emotions you can use to make your ex girlfriend do all sorts of crazy things to get your attention. I do not recommend going out and getting freaky with every girl you lay your eyes on, but rather go on a date with one of her friends who you know likes you. Note that this does not have to be a romantic date at all, just have fun with it. It is only for your ex girlfriend to hear about. Take my word for it, she will be losing sleep that night. She will just have you on her mind, wondering what on earth you are up to. This is one of the sneakiest yet effective ways to get your ex girlfriend back.
Both Justin Jude & Albert Nel are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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