There are few things which are tougher than going through a breakup; except for trying to get back with your ex following a parting. You have to take each step carefully - one mistake could mean your chances of ever getting back with him or her are over for good.
The steps which we'll go through here may seem all wrong to you at first, however, many of the things which may feel right to you are actually exactly the wrong way to go if you want to have a chance of salvaging your relationship. When you feel like calling your ex, thats when you should avoid this by all means. When you want to spill your guts, this is when you need to keep your cool.
While these methods might seem all wrong, they have been proven to work and have saved many relationships.
Strategy #1
The first step is to accept the situation - you have been broken up with and you need to come to terms with it. You might have to struggle with yourself at first, but acceptance is important.
However, you have to accept the situation. Your ex will need space if they are to start missing you and think about taking you back. Right after the breakup, they are probably upset or angry with you; you need to back off and leave them alone for a while. If you badger them about getting back together, this will probably ruin your chances of a reunion.
Technique #2
Next, keep from making any kind of contact with your ex. Wait, just hear me out here. Your ex needs space to clear their head and get a new perspective - and so do you. This can let them start missing you and maybe even trying to contact you!
You both need some time and some perspective. This time apart will also get you ready to take the third step.
Technique #3
Next, you have to create an opportunity for the two of you to make a connection again. This is not as simple as it might sound - there are a lot of steps in between!
Get My Ex Back
Are there "magic" words you can use to get your ex to return your phone calls? Sounds hard to believe but there ARE words that will nearly cast a spell and make your ex feel almost compelled to return your call. Cool huh? I am going to share this with you because this is one of the biggest questions I get from the over 35,000 subscribers just like you that are trying to put their relationship back together.
"How to get my ex back" will start with getting your ex to return your phone call, IM or text message. Remember, this can be done easily, but it's just a simple formula and not a complete plan. You can learn more about that in our ebook. If you do this right, it will be the begining of a wonderfull get back together with your ex.
First, be aware of what you must never say. A lot of people fall for the usual mistakes, taking them into a very difficult position with theirs ex instead of helping get them back. These are the most common:
The PLEAD- Where the message sounds like "John, please, please call me. This is the 3rd time I have called. I HAVE to talk to you." Of course, this call is not going to be returned. And if it is, you will be in a disadvantage position. You don't want your ex to call you back because he pities you!
And the EMERGENCY-"Cindy, this is an emergency. Please call me as soon as you get this." This is an awful way to try to get your ex attention. It may work the first time, if your ex thinks you are really in an emergency, but once the truth is discovered, you will be considered a liar and desperate. This is only going to get your ex farther from you.
These common approaches simply don't work, or work opossed to what you want. If you really want your ex attention, there are methods much more effective. Let's review a simple one.
Use curiosity and self interest. The most powerful forces in the human mind are our curiosity and our self interest. This is the big secret: combine the two and you have an instant "magic" technique. This will work every time!
Call your ex and say something like "Hello, it's me. I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciate what you did for me. When you get the chance, give me a call so I can tell you personaly". Can you see how this uses curiosity and self interest in one sweep? Your ex can't resist calling you back! "What is it that I did?", "Appreciates what?", your ex will think. Also, it's a positive message, so he/she will get in the phone for sure.
Now, prepare mentally for what you are going to say. What did your ex did right for you? Maybe it was some advice or a positive criticism that helped you. Maybe it was when you needed to talk with someone and she/he was there for you. Work on this so you can tell your ex about it. Just remember that you will get a call back and maybe a date, but this is just the beginning of getting your ex back. You need a plan.
Applying this thechnique, you will have your ex call you back, but you need a strategy to win her/him back. If not, this could do more bad than good. When you have a plan, what you do before, during and after you get them to call you back is even more important that just getting the call. So, this is the basic technique to get them to return a call, now get ready to create a plan to get your ex back.
Both John Belair & Ricardo Daryans are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
John Belair has sinced written about articles on various topics from Get Ex Back, Computers and The Internet and Get Ex Back. Click Here to find out the full technique that you'll need to use to win your ex back - and fast! It's a powerful way to. John Belair's top article generates over 90500 views. Bookmark John Belair to your Favourites.
Ricardo Daryans has sinced written about articles on various topics from Cars, Gym and Lose Weight. The techniques, principles and advice you will get in The Magic Of Making Up have helped thousands of men and women just like you win back the mind, heart and soul of the ones they care for. Ge. Ricardo Daryans's top article generates over 301000 views. Bookmark Ricardo Daryans to your Favourites.
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