AMCwebhost is an reseller web hosting company in India which offers you very affordable, reliable and cheap reseller plan and many other choices of individual shared web hosting plans at very affordable price. We are in fact one of the top reseller web hosting company in the world and the only web host in India to provide you a life time *free* reseller account with 500MB of space with the latest whm control panel. We do not require any credit card payments and shall create your reseller web hosting account quickly.
So whether you are medium, small or large business entity or just looking to start your own lucrative reseller web hosting business, you share a common goal to reach your customers online electronically in any part of the globe widely, so that you can keep in touch with your customers and build a strong business relationship on a long term basis.
Hence, to serve you better for a long time to come and develop good ethical business relationship and trust, we provide you with 24/7 support that is guaranteed to provide you as a customer total satisfaction at all times.
In Shared hosting you can host multiple domains in a single account, whereas in Reseller web hosting account, you can create multiple accounts for each domain. This is suitable for reselling those individuals accounts to businesses and companies. This way you can earn handsomely and even your own hosting is virtually free.
Compare AMCwebhost Indian Web Hosting with every other Big Web Hosting Companies in the world. You'll find the most important feature missing in them. SERVICE!!!
Which means we take care of ..
- If you want to upload your website, we do it for you.
- If you have difficulty creating your email, we do it for you.
- We give you support and help when it matters most. Time is of the essence.
- We help you in changing your NameServers settings, FTPs, Mail Services, Web Services etc.
In fact, we provide you with support and help on all features/issues regarding your Web Hosting Account.
Our above services will specially help those who are starting out in this web hosting business or those who are fairly new. We shall take care and help you step by step by solving and training you in this easy yet very profitable industry.
Also to let you know, your Reseller Web Hosting account is hosted on our very high speed performance and cutting edge technology INTEL DUAL QUAD CORES (8 CPUs) server with 12GB of server memory. The server hard drive capacity is on 1.0TB and above with clustering technology to offer you endless website hosting experience for building your own hosting business profits for long term.
This means you need not worry about your Websites, Hardware or in fact about any of the software issues. You can concentrate solely on developing your Hosting Business and giving top-notch customer service to increase your business and profit.
AMCwebhost Web Hosting comes with the service you wish. Which means you get help and you are always on the go in real time. This gives you unbeatable edge in your Online Web presence.
Domain Hosting Reseller Web
It's a given that if you're looking for a web space reseller, you'll look for an affordable hosting reseller. Practicality takes priority in every purchase, and no matter what you intend to do with your web space, or the features that come with the web space you get, cost is the first thing that you should take into consideration. Refer to the following checklist when shopping around for cheap web space:
1. How much are you ready to spend? Owning your own web space has pretty much become a fixture in the reality of modern enterprise, and if you're planning to get a host for business purposes, you'd better be ready to shell out the kind of money that will buy you the features and the quality of service that you need. A truly noteworthy affordable hosting reseller will be able to help you maximize your spending capacity.
2. What are your immediate needs? Can you cut down on a few features that may seem "cool" at the onset, but you won't really need? Browsing around mailing lists, message boards, and other online forums, you may find recommendations for features that are classified as "must-haves," but really isn't a must-have for you at all.
One example of this is multiple domain hosting. Multiple domain hosting is the capability to host and distribute a limited (or unlimited, depending on the kind of hosting package that you get) number of domains in a single web space - for example, you can have both and in just one web account! Some resellers offer that, and it's good for people who want to maintain multiple sites, or become resellers as well.
But if you only plan to have one small website, which uses only one domain, you can significantly streamline your spendings if you seek out a reseller that doesn't offer multiple domain hosting. If you only want to host a personal web space, you may even do away with domain hosting altogether, and settle for a VERY cheap reseller who'll just let you "park" in his or her domain with only a subdomain or subfolder to your name!
3. Are there any good promos going around? Now this is something you'll have to keep your eyes out for. New reseller outfits often drive down their prices as part of a "promo" package, in order to attract new customers. A discounted shiny new one-year package, or an "early adopter" advantage, is always easy on the wallet. Some people even move from reseller to reseller as soon as the next big promo comes along - until they finally decide upon an affordable hosting reseller to stick with for the long haul.
Both Saifuddin Indorewala & Trevor Mulholland are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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