We all know that public speaking is one of the most feared endeavors for many, many people especially when we are not called on to do it very often. There are many ways to combat public speaking nerves but for some reason the very people who are the most scared do the least to get over this fear. There is one main thing we have to remember when we have this type of fear. It does not allow us to think straight because all or most of our brain activity moves to the rear of the brain where out 'fight or flight' reactions belong. There is minimal activity left in the frontal parts of the brain where our fine thinking skills are located. And what do you think will happen if we do not have access to fine cognitive processes, yes, our speaking will deteriorate even more.
The answer is first to realize that this happens physiologically for a reason and the next step is to discover how to put this activity back where it belongs, in the frontal or neocortex as it is known, so a clearer thinking mind is available to you when you need it.
Lets look at a few ways to do this then. Doing it in stages or smaller chunks will make this much easier. Firstly I really recommend that you do some slow deep breathing for a while, at least ten minutes, getting control of your breathing is a crucial first step to taking back an empowered mental state. Make a conscious effort to go somewhere quiet and breathe in to a count of seven using your diaphragm or belly (not chest breathing) and breathe out to a count of eleven seconds, After ten minutes you will find yourself calming down tremendously. It is the slow exhalation that lets your autonomic nervous system know it can calm down now and will begin to take your body away from a fight or flight response.
Well done, the next step is to start rubbing your hands together for a few minutes and then suck your cheeks in hard whilst continuing to breathe. this may sound strange but the reason for this is that it moves activity back to your frontal brain area. Then you can look straight ahead and let your eyes move gently outwards so you become aware of the peripherals of the room you are in. this feels a little different at first but try it again, just move each eye outwards to observe the periphery of the place you are in. When you are in peripheral vision there is no 'internal voice' in your head saying things like 'i'm nervous'. You will be aware that there are no pictures in your mind either (of the large audience for example) that could further unnerve you.
The peripheral vision technique actually quietens your mind right down to a still point. Practice all the above before you actually do the speaking, at least a few weeks before and they will really help enormously.
Conquer Fear Of Public Speaking
It is a very natural reaction to become nervous before a presentation. This is basically because it is very unnatural to put yourself in the vulnerable position of standing before a large group of people who will judge you and what you say (which is really an extension of you, isn't it?).
It's okay to be nervous - as long as your audience never finds out! Follow these tips to overcome nervousness and build confidence:
Before your audience arrives
1. Be prepared
This should not be the first time you deliver your presentation. A very thorough understanding of the topic and how you want to present it is necessary for success.
Have a general outline of what you want to say, and know exactly how you want to deliver it before standing up in front of your audience. The more prepared you are, the fewer reasons you have for being nervous.
2. Get comfortable with your surroundings
Always be the first one to arrive at the place where you are presenting. Even if it is the company boardroom that you've been in a thousand times, spend some time standing at the front of the room. Envision people in the chairs looking at you. If you know the people attending your presentation, envision their faces. Get comfortable with this image.
Make sure the room is set up the way you want it to be. Move furniture appropriately and make sure there aren't any traps - cables you might trip over, tables you could bump into, etc.
The more comfortable you are with your surroundings, the more relaxed you will be able to be.
3. Set up your presentation
Make sure your computer is working, set up Power Point, place participant materials, name cards, bottles of water, etc. at each person's place. Make sure that everything is ready to go so you can focus on your audience when they arrive.
4. Take a deep breath and stop fidgeting
Take a deep breath, meditate, go to your happy place - do whatever you need to do and whatever works for you to relax. Do this before your audience arrives or in a place removed from your audience - don't roll out your yoga mat on stage.
Also be aware of your nervous habits. Stop playing with your hair, tapping your foot, biting your lip, wringing your hands, straightening your suit, etc. Your audience should only see the relaxed, confident, professional you.
If you think you don't have any nervous habits, video record one of your presentations. You may be surprised by what you see. Make a conscious effort to identify your own habits and put an end to them.
When your audience arrives
1. Create a friendly environment
When the audience begins arriving, the nerves go into overdrive. Combat this natural force by creating a safe and friendly environment.
Depending on the size of the audience, greet each participant individually and casually chat with the group. With larger groups, circulate and socialize with smaller groups of audience members.
Small talk will get your mind off of your nerves and make you feel more comfortable with the people that are there. It will also make your audience feel more at ease and leave them with a good first impression of you!
2. Give yourself a pep talk
Take a moment to prepare yourself mentally before you begin. This mental preparation could start as early as when you get out of bed the morning of the presentation, or it could be a quick pep talk just before you begin.
Remind yourself that there is a reason why you have been asked to speak - you have something very important to say! The sooner you really believe this, the better.
Everyone there wants to listen to what you have to say. They're on your side, and want you to succeed. It is a safe environment filled with friendly professionals who can't wait to hear what you have to say.
These things may or may not be true (generally they are, but there are of course exceptions to the rule) - it doesn't matter. It's about building confidence and making you feel more comfortable. The more you believe you have something important to say, the easier it is to convince your audience. It will be natural and obvious to them.
3. Find your biggest fan
In every audience there is at least one person that stands out as a "supporter." You may have identified the person during pre-presentation small talk, it could be a colleague who is a good friend, or it could just be a "head-nodder" (one of those people who really reacts to presenters by nodding his head, taking notes, and generally being very supportive).
These people are your biggest fans. If you're feeling nervous as you begin to speak, or if you run into problems during the presentation, focus on these individuals. No matter what happens, they will continue to smile and nod their heads, giving you that extra push you need to get through.
Both Lee Heather & Heather Hansen are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Heather Hansen has sinced written about articles on various topics from Public Speaking, Writing and Language. Heather Hansen, founder of Singapore-based Hansen Speech & Language Training, is an executive speech and language coach, writer and trainer. Become a star speaker! Visit her website. Heather Hansen's top article generates over 1900 views. Bookmark Heather Hansen to your Favourites.