A web hosting directory is a place where web hosting companies are listed along with the services they have available as well as their hosting prices. There are often different price categories, ranging from expensive to cheap web hosting services.
What value does a web hosting directory provide?
The good ones provide a way for you to review various cheap web hosting companies and find one that provides quality web hosting services at a reasonable price.
A properly run web hosting directory will include internet web site hosting providers that have the experience needed to host your web site and keep it running despite whatever the Internet throws at it every day.
Is cheap website hosting really a good idea?
As long as you have the right definition for cheap then cheap web hosting is a great idea. The word "cheap" should never refer to the quality of the hosting service itself. It should only refer to the price. If you end being hosted on a cheap server that's run my a hosting company that's too cheap to hire support technicians to staff their data center 24 hours a day, you can quickly regret choosing a cheap web hosting service.
And that's where a good web hosting directory comes in to save the day! But what makes a good web hosting directory? Let's take a look and see.
How to tell a good web hosting directory from a bad one?
A good web hosting directory maintains enough listings of top web hosting services, especially cheap website hosting companies, to give you enough options when making an informed web hosting choice.
Speaking of informed decisions, one very important feature to look for when choosing a web hosting directory to help you find cheap website hosting is the ability for users of the web hosting companies to be able to post their comments and experiences for others to read. That way you can get the opportunity to see what actual customers think about the quality of service that a cheap website hosting company offers before you commit to hosting your web site with them.
Where you host your web site is an important decision. You need help and advice in order to find cheap website hosting that offers a professional commitment to service and support. Make sure that you only depend on a good web hosting directory to help you make that choice.
Cheap Web Hosting Directory
As the popularity and power of the Internet continues to grow, so does the online community of websites that promote businesses, entertainment, commerce, and social destinations. For those who choose to establish an online presence through the creation of a website, a number of decisions must be made in order to give your website every opportunity for success; not the least of which is the choice of a web host that can effectively service your site. But finding an appropriate web host from among the thousands that offer the service can be a bit like hunting a needle in a haystack. A web hosting directory, however, can offer a starting point for your search.
In order to place your website online you must do so through a web host – a company or individual that offers access to the Internet through a server. While complex sounding, a server is nothing more than a high-powered computer that has open communication to release and receive information throughout the network of computers that make up the World Wide Web. A web host then offers websites “space” within their server – for which they pay a monthly or yearly “rental” fee. Once a website has secured space on a host server they are considered to be online. A website owner, in order to find the host that best suits their needs and get online, must search among the companies that offer hosting services. A web hosting directory offers a comprehensive list of companies and individuals that offer hosting services.
A web hosting directory will list host providers, the services they offer, and the prices at which they offer them. Most importantly, however, a web hosting directory will provide contact information for web hosts; and this is where the real research begins.
You can certainly narrow down your search for a web host with the use of a web hosting directory. You must first determine how much space your website will require on a host server – depending on the size of the files and graphics that your site will store and the amount of traffic it receives. You can tell a lot about a host through a web hosting directory including the space it can provide your website, the security measures it can offer, the prices it charges, and its commitment to customer service.
Once you have narrowed down your search, you can utilize a web hosting directory to contact those hosts in which you are interested. At that time you should be prepared to ask a number of questions including inquiring as to their level of experience, ability to host your particular site and the services that will be unique to it, and the features that it may offer through a web hosting plan. Consider a web hosting directory to be your ultimate reference guide to establishing your website online.
Both Jason Willard & Michelle Bery are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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