Customers searching in a search engine query for web hosting reviews are bound to find websites offering many similar companies and portraying identical layouts of web hosting reviews and comparison charts. Customers browse between many identical hosting service providers across a large spectrum of different web hosting review websites, and feel perplexed by having to distinguish which hosting providers are the best when all reviews are covering equivalent web hosting companies.
What's the reason for the similarity in web hosting companies, cheap prices, and the amount of benefits? That's simple, affiliation.
So just what is an affiliation? Affiliation is what the top web hosting companies do to control the web hosting industry by setting-up a ?retailer? like environment across the internet. It is a modern day version of how corporations franchise themselves globally. In this scenario, a normal person can set up their own website and affiliate themselves with any of their review website's self-proclaimed ?top 10 web hosting companies?.
How is this affiliation system trustworthy when it is so widespread across the internet? The affiliation system allows web hosting providers? greater access to their target market without the necessary work to expose their sites online. Through search engine optimization and letting people accomplish the work for them, hosting providers become increasingly popular for customers seeking the best web hosting companies. The affiliation strategy also creates a shakeout in the web hosting market; smaller web hosting companies cannot afford to compete or pay people to affiliate and are thus back shelved in the lower ranking pages on search engines and therefore never seen by customers.
Although the affiliation system portrays web hosting review websites as a scam, that is not the case. The affiliation system permits web hosting review sites to create a site which is based upon the best top web hosting service providers. If these hosting companies didn't have the money to spend on affiliation, they certainly wouldn't have money to spend on customer service, greater benefits, high quality servers, and hosting millions of websites across the internet yearly. This affiliation is what allows review sites to create a site solely constructed around all the benefits, and cheap prices, as well as coupons and deals (such as a free month off) .
If it wasn't for hosting affiliation, review sites (and SEO specialists) wouldn't combine to bring you solid reviews concerning the top web hosting providers on the market. In today's world is everything is profit oriented, but that is the flexibility which creates these review websites and allows you to purchase a company which fits your financial needs and attain benefits which support your website structure.
Cheap Web Hosting Companies
If you thought all those billions of web pages are hosted on expensive and full service web hosting companies, you need to cross check your information sources again. Of course, there are free or cheap web hosting companies that provide basic features good enough for simple html pages. You can take the example of some blog sites for these. But cheap (as cheap as $1.99 a month) web hosting service is different as they claim to provide more than the basic features which require huge infrastructures and funds to maintain and remain in the business. How do cheap web hosting companies attract business and what are their tricks?
Trick Number 1: The 24/7 toll-free number that a cheap web hosting company will advertise on their website. Most of these rarely work and those that do work seem to work only Monday to Friday. They are there mainly to create a false impression. What will you do on the weekend or after hours? You need a web hosting company that provides real support.
Trick Number 2: E-mail contacts given, which give you a very nicely worded (auto responder) response, requesting you to be patient while promising that an appropriate web hosting executive is handling your query. Don't you want to talk to a real person at some point? Email messages could go on forever with no resolution in sight. Your time, in short supply, is valuable.
Trick Number 3: Unlimited emails in POP3 and SMTP which hardly give any value to a small webmaster but can have a big impact on your decision making. Cheap web hosting companies cannot provide good email service. Yet, you need good email service so that you can stay in contact with your customers. (better service=more customers=more sales)
Trick Number 4: Cheap web hosting companies often make promises of free downloads worth thousands of dollars. You can check this offer only after you subscribe to their service. You should be able to check out all aspects of an offer before making a commitment, thus saving you valuable time and money.
Trick Number 5: The lure of freebies like all platform database support, preinstalled server side scripts, site builders, templates and SSL & ecommerce tools. In actuality, if these products are provided by cheap web hosting companies, they are very limited. Why limit your business from the start? You need a web hosting company that will give you the tools you need to be successful right out of the gate!
Trick Number 6: Domain registrars and sister companies of cheap web hosting companies don't allow editing DNS zone files and MX records. Registrars talk about "name server management" when they actually mean the exact opposite resulting in forced hosting with them. You should be able to choose the services that you want for your business. After all, who knows your business better than you? Locking yourself in with a cheap web hosting company forces you to do business their way. Don't do it!
Trick Number 7: Artificially populating user forums is another way of promoting their cheap web hosting business. Cheap web hosting companies do this so you will think they have tons of satisfied users. Really, you should rely on referrals to check out a web hosting company's services. This is the only real way to be sure you'll get the service you deserve.
Trick Number 8: Display of an unknown or little known award and trying to impress you that they provide award winning service. Do awards mean anything anymore these days? Better to rely on actual comments from real customers.
Trick Number 9: Offering free integration of shopping carts and payment gateways. Cheap web hosting companies do this because they know that for many online businesses having access to an online payment tool is a must. What you actually get is PayPal, which is well known, and is not their product at all. Why would you trust a web hosting company that would do this?
Trick Number 10: Free Marketing support. Of course they do it but what they market vigorously is their site where your name might be mentioned. Cheap web hosting companies will not do more than this. In fact, they cannot. Are you paying for marketing your business? Or theirs?
Being on the lookout for tricks such as these will keep you from falling into the trap of thinking that cheap web hosting is good. You can make a better choice for your business. You need a web hosting company that provides real, complete services that help improve your business. Do you want your business to be just a number?
Remember the old adage, "you get what you pay for".
Both Homeservicecontent & Greg Cesar are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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