Web Hosting can be a scary situation initially when trying to host your very first website ever. How does it work at all? What will it cost me? Where do I start? Questions over questions. The first step you need to take is to find a web host. There are fortunately tons of hosting companies out there and competition is always something which works in the favor of consumers. While it is true that there are thousands of hosting providers on the market, it doesn't mean that all of them are a good choice for the beginner or one in need of cheap web hosting.
It's almost safe to say that the majority of web hosts are awful in terms of server stability as well as technical support. Unless you find a web host based on a recommendation, your chances of picking a bad web host are very high. Making your choice when a lot of companies are competing for your business is never easy.
Cheap Web Hosting - What Does It actually Mean to You? What do you have to look out for?
If this is your very first website ever and you're only creating it as a hobby, “cheap web hosting” is probably what you are looking for. Well, cheap can be meant as very affordable or low in quality. You want cheap web hosting that means affordable. But when you search for cheap web hosting it is hard to determine who is really an affordable web host and who is just after your money.
Since I am familiar with web hosting I kind of act as a one-stop source for all my friends and family whenever it comes to web hosting. My biggest problem with that is not actually helping out, but to make sure that I recommend companies I personally would host with as well (I have a dedicated server and are my own web host). Over the years I have seen web hosts come and go, but some companies stay and they stay for good as they figured out how to run a web hosting business that puts the customer first. They combine that with low prices, lots of features and the result is cheap web hosting – the kind you are looking for.
Read more about cheap web hosting options before picking a new web hosting company. The list of available companies is huge and it is easy to make the mistake of picking an unreliable web host. Make sure to pick a web host that offers a money back guarantee. Do not pay via PayPal as it is easier to force a chargeback through a credit card. Most web hosts - even if they provide bad service will issue a refund, but some companies are really bad to deal with.
When finally having found a reliable cheap web host life is usually good. You can submit the occasional support ticket to test response times, but in general I concentrate on my website(s) once they are on a stable web hosting server and let the web host do what he can do best - serve your website to the Internet.
Cheap Web Hosting And
I having not one, but two web hosting plan that is priced below $50 dollars per year. Ya, that is $3-$4 dollars per month hosting plan. With php, mysql, host multiple websites, emails, ftp, crons job and many other features that makes these the complete hosting package. And with good customer support, and live chat support as well. Couldn't belief they are selling it at this incredible low price.
I am talking about hostnine shared hosting and hostican shared hosting. Hostnine shared hosting start with $3.95 and the basic plan will allow multiple domain hosting. Get hostnine coupon from http://www.hostninereview.org/hostnine/hostnine-coupons and will get your 50% saving from your first bill. I paid around $40 dollars for the one year plan. For this august, its giving me 100% uptime and no downtime. I tracked using serviceuptime.com monitoring services.
For the hostican hosting base-host and tera-host, you can get the coupon from http://www.hosticanreview.org/hostican/hostican-coupons and apply it to get $50 dollars discount from your bill. I paid only $45 dollars for the hosting. This hosting is giving me very good uptime as well.
Next time you look for cheap web hosting with quality in it, you will know where to start looking. And I glad I found them as well.
Both Christoph Puetz & Robert Thomson are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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