When you look at web hosting rates today, you will be very happy. They are so cheap that you can host them out of your pocket money. They are also hosted for free. Many companies offer to host web sites for free. But you would not have been smiling a few years back. The prices would have shocked you out of your wits.
When the concept of the World Wide Web as well as web hosting came into being, not many people were aware about such a feature. Only the biggest names in the field would be able to afford such facilities, and they would be shelling out so much money for this. People would also gawk at such companies, because it meant that they had a lot of money.
Then slowly the web evolved, and people began to understand what it was all about. The prices still did not drop for a long time, as there were a lot of methods to explore initially. The use of the Internet itself was so expensive, and the common man could not host a web page. However, the options still catered to the needs of many businesses.
Many web hosting companies began to look at the opportunities to make money. While it was initially just luxury, there was a lot of potential to make money. Many companies began offering services to host web pages, and this became very popular. However, only the developed countries were doing this.
Most of the other countries still did not have access to the Internet. Still the business grew, and today it has become very cheap to host a web page. A lot of companies began entering the business, and it grew money wise as well as in all other aspects. A lot of servers were being set up, and more people were flocking to set up web sites.
This helped all the businesses a great deal. This is what made the web hosting companies? millionaires. Though there was a lot of competition, many of them survived. This was the most important aspect to be looking at. With this survival, they made everything possible for the world. Cheap web hosting is also one of the best things that could happen to the Internet as well as users.
With good web hosting available, businesses have gotten a good face today across the world, and has been a turning point.
Cheap Web Domain And Hosting
You want to save as much money as you can... and that's about it.
But hold on for a second. What if cheaper means that you'll loose money? Would you consider it then?
Ok, this is what I mean. I'm definitely all in favor of getting great things at cheap prices, and if you are here this means you are as well.
There is just one thing that can be better than cheap web hosting, and that is Great cheap web hosting.
You could spend years trying to find a good company. The last thing you want to be doing is making midnight calls to your so called hosting company yelling at them because your site is not up.
Reliable is good. Reliable and cheap is better.
Where can you find it?
Here's what you need to look for:
- Live support 24 hours a day. Very important. Make sure they have their online support available all the time. Any questions you have, you get an immediate answer. I can't tell you how many times this has helped me even though I never though I'd use the damn feature when I signed up.
- Cheap price. A basic for the smart shopper. There are many great hosting companies out there, so finding the combination between cheap and quality will pay off very handsomely in the long run.
- Money Back Guarantee. Pay for what you like. Don't like the service, give it back. This keeps them giving you the service you want, and you feeling great about your hosting service.
You will want to look for 99.9% uptime guarantee on their site so you make sure they won't crash on you.
Above all, there is one thing you have to consider.
If you plan on growing you online presence, your going to continue registering host several domains.
Since we are looking for cheap web hosting, paying 3 dollars for each is out of the question.
You want the big cajuna. The ultimate secret. To be able to host all of your domains (even if you have 10 or 20) for less than 10 bucks.
This is were real cheap web hosting comes in. There are not many of these hosting companies around, but it's always a big plus to have the option of adding more domains without having to pay a cent more. If you find that, you'll save yourself years of trouble and hundreds of dollars as well.
Both Andy Tao & Armand Mont are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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