The bird flu H5N1 virus has now been found from Indonesia to Scotland and in six countries in Africa. So anybody traveling in the Eastern Hemisphere must consider their risk of catching bird flu.
Besides, it's expected to arrive in North America by this fall or even sooner, via migratory birds or bird smugglers. From there it'll no doubt reach Central and South America.
Bird flu hasn't been reported in Antarctica yet, but I would still advise you not to have close personal contact with the penguins.
You don't want to bring any H5N1 bird flu viruses home with you in your lungs. Although most advice focuses on chickens and other poultry, I think you should also avoid pigs, since then can have bird flu also.
Stay away from markets where chickens, ducks, geese and pigs are sold live.
Stay away from markets where chicken, duck, geese and pork meat are sold. Don't buy raw chicken, duck, geese or pork, even from supermarkets.
Stay away from farms where chickens, ducks, geese and pigs are raised.
In many poor countries, chickens walk freely around villages foraging for food. Try to stay away from them as much as possible.
(There is a certain charm in such areas, I understand. I once visited a rural Thai house where the only door was not attached to the doorframe -- but at night laid sidewides across the width of the opening to prevent chickens from wandering into the house at night. However, suffering from jet lag as I was, the loud crowing of the roosters at 2:00 AM kept me away. Don't let anybody tell you they wait for dawn!)
Don't attend cockfights. The sharp spurs spatter the audience with chicken blood.
Avoid zoos. If you must go in, avoid open bird exhibits. Keep your distance from any displays of ducks, swans etc.
If you are backpacking or trekking through the woods, avoid wild birds and their excrement.
Don't eat any raw or red chicken meat. Make sure it is thoroughly cooked. Cut it open with a knife before to make sure before you take a bite.
In my limited traveling experience in Asia, meat is very well done, perhaps as a sanitary custom to kill bacteria and parasites. However, Vietnam does have a national dish of raw duck blood soup. It's now discouraged by the government, but if you do happen to be offered it -- decline graciously.
Also, Laos and Lao people in northern Thailand eat a dish called lahp which is made from raw meat. That's usually beef but it can be pork or chicken. Politely decline all lahp unless it's beef or fish.
The same with eggs -- make sure all eggs you eat are well done. Do not order eggs "sunny side up." Do not eat if the yolks are runny. If you are heating a bowl of hot noodles, do not let them add a raw egg. Yes, the heat of the sauce hardened the eggs, but not the 70 degrees Celsius or 158 degrees Fahrenheit required to kill the bird flu virus.
Avoid people who are coughing and sneezing. Maybe they just have a cold. Maybe it's something worse.
If you happen to get sick, seek the best available medical care. The U.S. government is requiring its embassies and consulates to have a list of local medical care "resources," but I'm sure any decent hotel room clerk or taxi driver will know the best and nearest hospital or clinic. Chances are your medical insurance won't cover the cost, but check on that with the company before you leave home. If you live overseas there are health insurance plans available to expats. Look for them on Google.
Unfortunately, you can't avoid riding in airplanes. You're trapped in a small space along with many other people. You don't know what kind of germs they have. They may feel healthy and display no symptoms, because they've been infected with bird flu for less than a day.
The best advice I know of, is to suck on those zinc and Vitamin C lozenges that are sold to people with colds. They get zinc as close as possible to your mouth and nose. That's your best chance to trap any infections coming at you from the shared air of your jet cabin -- before they infect your lungs.
Take these sensible precautions and you have almost no chance of catching bird flu on your next vacation.
And if you do get diarrhea . . . I cleared that up in a few days by taking acidophilus capsules, bought at the local GNC.
Causes Of Bird Flu
However, this is impossible for people who must continue to report to a place of employment. Work will be especially dangerous if your job is to meet and deal with the public.
However, most people will want to continue to bring in a paycheck, so we'll be torn between the desire to ensure our safety by remaining home and the need to bring in money to pay the bills and buy whatever food may be available.
First of all, a lot of business that is currently done in person could be handled over the telephone. Employers should encourage customers to use the telephone or online services as much as possible. This will also protect the customer from possible exposure to bird flu.
But whether you are a cashier at a fast food restaurant, a cable TV installer or a welfare caseworker with clients who can't keep their telephone service on, you will still have to deal with some people face to face.
If allowed, wear a Nanomask at all times. Although many employers may object in the beginning of a bird flu pandemic, by the time millions are dying they should recognize that it should actually reassure customers that you are looking after their safety as well as your own. After all, after a customer with bird flu infects you, you could pass it on to the next customer in line.
If customers must do any writing or signing, leave pens out in their area. Do not give them yours. Do not touch the pens they have touched. If you must, wash your hands afterward.
Unfortunately, you may have to touch paperwork or, of course, their money. Cash money actually carries a lot of germs even now. We just rarely think about the hygiene implications of handling money given to us by other people. So if possible, employers should encourage customers to pay by credit or debit card. Employees don't need to handle the physical cards, just get the numbers and other necessary information from the customer.
Wear rubber or plastic gloves if you have to handle papers or cash handed to you by customers.
If possible, put a barrier of transparent plexiglass between you and the other person. This will help protect your from their germs if they cough or sneeze.
Fast food restaurants should encourage customers to use the drive-through facilities and discourage eating inside.
Keep a bottle of a germicidal hand lotion by your side and put some on your hands between each customer.
Give everyone coming into your business access to a bottle of germicidal hand lotion and encourage them to use it on their hands before touching anything.
Again, while many such measures would be perceived as offensive to customers during normal periods, a bird flu pandemic is not a normal period and they should understand that when everyone is in great danger from infection, every measure you take to protect yourself, also helps protect them as well.
Of course, during a bird flu pandemic the riskiest public contact job will be providing medical care to bird flu patients.
I can't give advice on that score, except to say please follow all rules and regulations to reduce your exposure to bird flu and to reduce the chances of you infecting other patients. And remember that barrier nursing and diligent hygienic procedures protect you as well as your patients.
Richard Stooker has sinced written about articles on various topics from Bird Flu, Chess and Bird Flu. c 2006 by Richard StookerRichard Stooker is the author of How to Protect Yourself and Your Family From Bird Flu and. Richard Stooker's top article generates over 12100 views. Bookmark Richard Stooker to your Favourites.
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