Before you attend a car auction, so some research on the vehicles you’re interested in. Find out what the blue book value is on the vehicle and make that your starting point. Look at all of the features and even look up consumer reports.
Most auctions operate Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Dealers are given a private auction date on one of those days. The public can attend as well, just not on the same day. Often, the cars are lined up outside of the facility and you can look them over more closely before they go before the auctioneer.
Here are some suggestions:
Do your research before going.
Get there early so you can look over the car in the parking lot.
Check for smoke out of the exhaust and oil leaking.
Once they start moving through the line, your time will be limited. As people are bidding, others are looking at the engine, and for body dents. The entire process takes no more than 5 minutes and the highest bidder always wins.
Buying a vehicle at a car auction does not mean you’ll have a car in good condition. There are many risks to purchasing a car this way. You are not allowed to take the car for a ride before you pay for it, so the ride home is when you find out if there is an underline problem.
Despite this, car auctions are still popular. Some people sell vehicles on the side that they get from the auction and make a few bucks, while others are more serious and obtain a dealers license to sell them from a lot. It is definitely a sale that “buyer should beware of".
Please visit some of my sites and State Car Auctions and Government Car Auctions
Car Auctions In Australia
Car auctions are a good place to get good a bargain on cars. But buying cars from auctions can be very complicated. This is particularly true for the uninitiated. Of course the cars in auctions are generally cheaper. But they are cheap because they lack the guarantees that come with cars bought from dealers. The rules in auctions are simple, you bid an item, you pay for it, and you own it.
It is therefore not advisable for persons without much experience in motor vehicles to just go to an auction and buy a car.
What you'll need if you're planning to buy a car in an auction is a good eye, good observation skills and a willingness to learn the car auction process.
You can even make it a business by buying cars at auction and then selling them at a profit. There are several people who have made huge profits by buying and selling cars at auction.
There are basically two kinds of car auctions, local car auctions and online car auctions. Each of the auctions works differently. Each has a different set of rules so you must study them very carefully if you are planning to buy a car from either kind of auction.
If you want to buy a vehicle in a car auction you must first pre-register with the local auction you want to join. The pre-registration process won't take much of your time and will provide you all the essential information that you will need in order to buy a car. An auction site will often have an auction staff who will explain to you the rules of their auction site and the procedures and instruction on how to participate and bid on the cars.
It is wise to inspect the cars before the actual bidding begins. Ask the auction organizer or staff if they can allow you to take a closer look at the cars before the start of the actual auction. Another wise decision is to set your payment limit before the actual sale. This way, you won't fall victim to the trap of overbidding.
As in other auctions, it is very important that you signal your bids carefully to the car auctioneer to avoid confusion. Settle your transaction as soon as the auction ends. Look for the block clerk and settle your accounts with him. A car auction staff will usually be available to assist you when you are ready to pay for the vehicle you have won. He should also be able to guarantee you a good title for the vehicle.
You must also check the vehicle after you have won and settling your account. Take the vehicle for a test drive and make sure that it conforms to the guarantee and representation made during the auction.
Most auction sites would accept check or credit card if you cannot pay the car with cash. An auction staff will also usually give you a third party financing offer. It is advisable though to have your own finances ready before entering a car auction. Outside financing is usually cheaper than most in-house financing of auction sites.
Ask for an invoice copy from the auction staff. This will enable you to drive or ship your newly bought car to your location. Most car auction managers will give you good deals on shipping arrangements so inquire about this.
There really are no significant differences between a local auction and an online auction. Online car auctions work more or less the same way as local ones. The only disadvantage of online auction sites is that you won't be able to inspect the car as you would in an actual car auction. In participating in online car auctions be sure that you will be provided with all the necessary information about the car upfront and that there is an actual photograph of the vehicle.
Cars bought from an online auction are usually shipped to the buyer for a minimal fee. Inspect the car immediately upon arrival at your location to minimize risks.
You are now ready for your first car auction. Happy bidding!
Both Paul Schmitt Schmitt & Gregory Ashton are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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