Brad is not too old yet, just 31 but he is obese. He weighs 290 lbs and is only 5'09. He has various symptoms which make him nervous. He is afraid of having too high blood pressure and clogged arteries. He recently went on diet to loose some weight but the symptoms got even worse.
Twice a day he has periods of shallow breathing that take some hours and is noisy. He also feels some pressure on his chest followed by tingling in his face and arms. He is doing fine while asleep, the problems are just during the day.
He is already taking some Remeron for depression since years and wonders if this has something to do with his symptoms. The doctor said that since he is male and obese that he these two risk factors alone should be monitored. However, a heart or problem would cause him to breath deep and rapid and not shallow.
At his age it is also not too likely to have clogged arteries already that are dangerous already. He advised Brad to make an echocardiogram if he is really worried. This cost about thousand Dollars. The doctor said that the symptoms Brad described could come from simply overbreathing. Exhaling carbon dioxide too fast makes the blood alkaline and the nerves tingle.
Since Brad is taking medication for depression anxiety the doctor he told Brad to watch his thoughts and count his breaths per minute to find out if he is just overbreathing.
Of course, obesity is always bad for blood pressure. The doctor advised Brad to loose weight if possible, stop smoking and do some exercise regularly.
Blood Pressure And Symptoms
Blocked Arteries
High blood pressure is caused when blocked arteries fail to deliver enough amounts of blood carrying nutrients to every living organism within the human body. Such blockages cause arteries to shrink in diameter.
It is much like when a fuel line in your car is clogged by dirt or debris, preventing fuel from reaching its destination. And as with a car with a clogged fuel line, a blood vessel that is blocked or clogged will fail to transport the necessary amount of oxygenated blood to its destination.
Pressure inside the artery walls forces the heart to pump harder to get that blood where it needs to go. The harder the heart muscle has to pump blood, the higher your blood pressure will rise. If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to heart attack, stroke and coronary heart disease.
So what do you do if there is no particular high blood pressure symptom to watch out for? How do you know what to do to prevent high blood pressure related conditions? The first thing is to get your blood pressure checked regularly. Do not be fooled into thinking that young, healthy people do not suffer from high blood pressure. High blood pressure can strike at any age, though most often the condition occurs in older people, or those who are overweight.
Ethnic Groups
Some ethnic groups are at a higher risk for high blood pressure because of genetics, so be on the safe side. Blood pressure can be checked easily with the help of a blood pressure monitor or cuff. A reading will only take a few minutes and is the only way to find out if you have high blood pressure or not. While we have days when we are nervous or tense, high blood pressure that lasts more than a day or two should prompt you to visit your doctor.
People sometimes feel dizzy or short of breath. But these symptoms are not from high blood pressure by itself, but the resulting damage caused by high blood pressure. Often, smoking also contributes to high blood pressure, as does a high fat diet and lack of exercise. If you regularly experience shortness of breath, light-headedness or feel as if your heart is pounding for no obvious reason, go get your blood pressure checked.
Remember, there is no readily identifiable symptom of high blood pressure, and it will take a blood pressure reading to discover what your blood pressure is. You owe it to you and your heart to take care of yourself, so do the best you can with what you have. Your body, your heart, and your family will thank you for it.
Both Venus Morriady & Stan Kitchen are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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