Bird flu appeared in Hong Kong in 1997 and started to extend among poultry birds and flocks of wild birds rapidly. People who had a contact with infected birds fell ill with avian flu and many of them died. Researches have become anxious about bird flu protection, for the virus could start to pass not only from bird to human, but also from human to human. And that would result in another pandemic like Spanish flu outbreak that killed millions of people.
Mechanisms of Catching the Virus and Bird Flu Protection
Like common cold or influenza, bird flu gets into human organism through dirty hands contacting with mucilaginous membranes of eyes and nose. Thus the first step of bird flu protection is to keep hands as clean as possible. For this purpose many pharmaceutical companies advise using disposable gloves and hand sanitizer. You may also wash your hands thoroughly, but in this case only specific types of soap may help. For instance, anti-bacterial soap is not recommended.
Another way of bird flu protection is nasal irrigation. But as well as washing hands this method is not that simple, either. Those people whose work is connected with direct interaction with infected birds and ill people are strongly recommended to wear respirators and biofilter masks.
Taking Medicine as Another Way of Bird Flu Protection
Tamiflu is considered to be one of the most effective remedy that fights H5N1 strain. Tamiflu is an antiviral drug that contains Oseltamivir phosphate which is considered to ensure successful bird flu protection. One of the disadvantages of using Tamiflu is that the virus may become resistant to this medicine. Therefore it is recommended to take an additional drug of the same family, like Relenza (zanamivir). In any case it is necessary to follow the doctor's orders.
Another disadvantage of Tamifluis that its effects may turn to be so destructive that it may influence the immune system negatively. Therefore it is necessary to start with improving the state of immunity. It is obvious that you should take a 'knock-out' dose of vitamin C every day and must not take any antibiotics, for they cannot struggle agains the bird flu virus and will just kill antibodies that are produced by human organism and serve as natural instrument of bird flu protection.
Besides that, some researches recommend to take over-the-counter drugs, which help to enhance immunity and will defend you from negative conditions of the environment. These are such substances as Thymic Protein A, ImmunoLin (Immune Advantage) and Beta 1,3-D Glucan.
Bird Flu In China
Watching the public market clamor for "Bird Flu Stocks" reminds us of the "Internet Stock" bubble.
We challenge investors to carefully think about whether the bird flu is a great threat or just a great media story. With all the media coverage, would you be surprised to learn that in the entire world, the virus has only infected a total of 194 people and killed a total of 110 people?
The current strain of the virus is not spread among humans. Every person previously infected with the virus had direct contact with sick birds (mainly chickens). However, experts seem to agree that if the virus mutates into a contagious form, it is possible that it will kill millions of people.
Big problems always present tremendous investment opportunities. Investors in companies who develop the products and services that truly solve any large problem can make millions. In anticipation of large profits, it should come as no surprise that many investors have driven the market value of "bird flu stocks" to very high levels. The combined market value of these stocks now exceeds several billion dollars. Investors are assuming these companies will generate large profits.
Well, what if investors are wrong? What if the fancy solutions being touted by many of the bird flu stocks are not as important as we are led to believe?
Recently, a company in England announced that initial tests prove that a simple hand spray (which is already sold in major department stores) is more than 99.8% efficient in killing H5N1. The product was originally developed several years ago to prevent the spread of certain germs and is entirely safe for use by humans.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, avoiding close contact with others, covering your mouth and nose, cleaning your hands and avoiding to touch your eyes, nose or mouth - are the primary ways to prevent getting germs.
When you take a step back from all the hype, the reality is that simply wearing a medical mask and washing hands frequently, will virtually assure that a person will not get infected.
Sometimes, the simple answers provide the best solutions. If medical masks and soap are the most effective defense, what becomes of all these "bird flu stocks"?
Both Dane Stanton & Joel Arberman are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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Joel Arberman has sinced written about articles on various topics from Bird Flu, Initial Public Offering and Investments. Joel Arberman is the Managing Member of Stock Aware, LLC. We publish a free investment research and analysis newsletter and offer investor awareness services. Lea. Joel Arberman's top article generates over 27100 views. Bookmark Joel Arberman to your Favourites.
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