Should you opt for an online balance transfer credit card application or opt for the old-fashioned way and mail it in? Balance transfer credit cards are all the rage, and it's no wonder with low interest rate offers abounding and consumers becoming increasingly-conscious of paying down their debt. But what is the best way to apply for a balance transfer credit card? Online or off?
Here are some things to consider.
1. Instant Approval
With the old fashioned balance transfer credit card application, you had to have the application mailed to you (or pick one up at a store or a bank) and then fill it out and mail it back in. Then wait a few weeks for the credit card company to process the application and wait even longer for the reply (or the card) to be mailed back.
Kiss all that waiting goodbye.
Nowadays, thanks to online balance transfer credit card application websites, long waits are no longer the norm. Simply log onto the Internet, find the best balance transfer credit card for your needs and fill out the online balance transfer credit card application. Click the "submit" button and you're done.
Many websites will process your application instantaneously and those who don't can get you a response in as little as a few days. Forget waiting weeks. Your new balance transfer credit card can be in your hands in just a few days thanks to today's online balance transfer credit card application.
2. Better Access to Information
When you have a paper balance transfer credit card application, you can see the terms and conditions of the card (in legal jargon) and a few lines of info regarding the card's benefits, but it's not a lot to go by. With on online balance transfer credit card application, however, you have access to an entire website.
Today's credit card application websites are much more informative than the three-fold pamphlets of days gone by. Many websites offer pages of information regarding the card's terms and conditions, benefits and contact information.
3. Hand Cramps
Of course, filling out on online balance transfer credit card can be a lot faster than filling out a snail mail application. Instead of manually writing all of your information in, you can type it into the application in just seconds (depending on how fast you type).
With today's hectic lifestyles, every minute counts. Faster processing, more convenience, better information -- the list goes on. It's not hard to see why so many consumers are opting to fill out an online balance transfer credit card application rather than the old-fashioned snail mail version.
Balance Transfer Credit Card Application
Balance transfer credit cards can be quite tempting. They offer a person the opportunity to ditch those nasty high interest rate credit cards, while usually throwing in some nice incentives to sweeten the deal. However, a person should be fully aware that there is nothing magic about about balance transfers. It's not like your debts just go away.
A very common reason that an individual considers a balance transfer credit card is that they want to consolidate all their credit card debt onto one card. This certainly is a convenience and cuts down on the number of bills they they have to pay. But be careful, when people do this they may actually end up paying more. The reason for this is that even though these cards often offer no or low interest initially, the free ride does not last forever. The rates will go up. So when the introductory period is over, the rates could be even higher than what they were paying before.
The best way to handle this problem is to pay down as much of the debt as possible before the rates go up. It is also vitally important that a person makes their payments on time. And do everything in your power not to add to that balance. Staying on top of payments and setting a plan to pay off the debt is the best way to ensure that a balance transfer credit card does the person good rather than harm. Balance transfer credit cards are a wonderful asset for those that have fiscal discipline.
Instead of dealing with multiple credit cards, with multiple interest rates, payment dates and fees, a person is dealing with one company. In the beginning they will usually get a low interest rate, many times no interest rate. This gives them a nice grace period to pay down their balance without the added fees. By budgeting out a plan that will get the debt balance paid down before a new, higher interest rate kicks in a person will have freed themselves from a large amount of debt.
Balance transfer credit cards can most certainly be a blessing, if a person knows how to use them responsibly and to their advantage. A balance transfer credit card is a powerful ally in eliminating credit card debt. By all means put it to work for you, not against you.
Both Max Anderson & Morgan Hamilton are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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